Perhaps this should be “Tap vs. Ben,” or “Tap vs. Not-Tap,” since 47Games’ Ben Hoyt is not technically on the Tap-Repeatedly staff, but we don’t have a category for that and I wouldn’t want Ben to think we’re excluding him. He has, after all, contributed a Celebrity Guest Editorial for us, and we did recently do a fun podcast on the Mass Effect trilogy and Halo, er, quadrogy. The dude is an honorary staff member, and opened up some time to contribute slightly more than half a discussion of Microsoft’s May 21 Xbox One announcement – a lucky thing, since coverage of all the new consoles has been somewhat scarce around here. Now we have an honest to god game designer weighing in (one who’s shipped an Xbox 360 title or two). Suck it, IGN!
Having announced their new subscription service at E3 last week, Sony have this week followed up the unveiling of PlayStation Plus with a firm run through of the services cost, features and other notable bits and pieces. In an update posted to the Official European PlayStation Blog, PlayStation Plus looks all set to deliver a range of content to users in return for your monies and/or soul. Or something. Full run down and some opinions …