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Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times [DS]
Somewhere, out there...
May 12, 2009 - 3:48 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Hey Yap! My copy arrived today. I'll try to give it a spin tonight and we'll compare notes.

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May 12, 2009 - 8:13 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I can imagine your initial thoughts will be: wtf? wtf? wtf?

Very limited online resources, I found only three in English. Mostly EU players likewise struggling with wtf as logic & rationality are gone with the wind (like, say, your Fart Spell: Magic+Toilet+Performance). [Image Can Not Be Found]

Good luck to you! [Image Can Not Be Found]

Somewhere, out there...
May 13, 2009 - 9:50 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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WTF, indeed. I suppose I could try to read through the manual. [Image Can Not Be Found]

I've done a number of "classes" with the sun-for-a-head guy... principal? Then I was told I had to go do something in mysterious time or whatever the heck it's called. Now the sky is all red, the plants and 'shrooms are different, but the people appear to be the same. Except for that really cool Mr Graves - skeleton instructor of nature (I guess). He's making me look for some weird animal.

I seriously laughed when my girl farted in class while talking to her classmates. That was a surprise! I haven't done any spells yet. I have flown on the strange taxi to the island... the taxi driver frightens me.

I keep getting lost. Why isn't there a map like in AC?

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May 13, 2009 - 11:30 am
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I have no manual - well, I have a beautifully printed something but it's a partial review that stops in mid sentence (English=English, right?). Thus my wtfs are more like WTF???

I dislike 2 of my 3 fellow students and don't much like my wandering residents either. Maybe now that you have the game we can wifi and Aurora, the one I detest most, will become a foreign exchange student in your game. [Image Can Not Be Found] Mind you, without a manual I don't know exactly how this happens but I've gleaned enough to know it's possible.

From what I've gathered there are 52 quests (one per real time week). I bogged down at the tea party as I still haven't figured out how to get someone to follow me (& do stuff w/ me so they eventually become my friend). I needed to get residents up to the conservatory…I think. Very unclear on my goals & objectives so my strategies (anyone else have to do this for their jobs?) have been limited to power-off or frustration. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Somewhere, out there...
May 13, 2009 - 11:54 am
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Yeah, there is a way to wi-fi and it's explained in a really bizarre manner in one of the classes. Something to do the the Beginning and End... or some such. I think I'm friends with Chloe as I remember either asking or agreeing to go outside and play (which we didn't do) and since then she's the one constant classmate in all my classes.

I'd forgotten that you didn't have the manual. Maybe I can scan it and send it to you? Depends if there's no one lurking around our office tomorrow morning. (shhhh)

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May 13, 2009 - 7:38 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Yes please, if possible. Whenever, no hurry as ignorance = status quo.

Next day edit: Doublejump has an e-guide for $9.99. Not sure they officially wrote it but they seem to be hosting its sale. A guide would bump my clueless down a notch or two if I can convince myself that "it's worth the price of ignorance." (is that mangled reasoning or what?)

Somewhere, out there...
May 15, 2009 - 10:09 am
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Yap, check your gmail. I just sent the scanned manual.

Actually, a guide might make some sense. I'm skeptical of the manual making any. [Image Can Not Be Found]

*Edit: I just looked at the sample of the guide and for $10, I may jump on it. It explains things a lot better than the manual!

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May 15, 2009 - 11:32 am
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[Image Can Not Be Found] BFF! [Image Can Not Be Found]

Bought the guide at 1 am at which time my blue & yellow printer cartridges refused to flow with the result that my first two printed pages are 1950s pinks and blacks. So I gave up in exhaustion same as after typing this, as well as the previous, run-on sentence of which I am extremely proud.

May 15, 2009 - 12:58 pm
Member Since: May 15, 2009
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Okay, you two intrepid adventurers in the realm of the unknown game--i am counting on you two to lead the way. My copy should arrive in a week or so. Are you gonna have it all figured out by then? Or at least know if this third party guide is really worth the cost? it sounds like I'm going to need some hand holding for this one if the manual is as sketchy as you say.

Somewhere, out there...
May 15, 2009 - 3:49 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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jasper, you found us!

Well, the manual (English) is only 12 pages if that gives you any indication of how forthcoming it is. I only looked at the sample pages for the DoubleJump guide and it explained far more in the three sample pages (one of which was the title page!) than the entire manual. That's just wrong. [Image Can Not Be Found] I will be giving DoubleJump my hard-earned dollars.

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May 15, 2009 - 10:28 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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So happy to see you made it, jasper! (shall I tell you I'm dipping a pinky toe in GW once again? Sporadically, without comprehension, two lvl 5s are tiptoeing through Nightfall)

If it helps to make a decision, pages 1-41 contain meaty info. Pages 41-75 (as far as I've printed) are "data" lists of furniture, clothes, floors (etc)....and more importantly, bugs, fish, mushrooms and plants (etc).

In a month of searching, I found only three sites to be useful:

Forum on gamefaqs

a sort of but not quite wiki

a thread bookmarked at home that I can't find googling tonight, thought it was on gbatemp which is primarily a how-to-pirate place with game discussions

Now that another english version is out (in NA) I'm supposing more guides & info lists will be generated.

May 15, 2009 - 11:53 pm
Member Since: May 15, 2009
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Thanks for the greetings!

I'm hoping that the North American release will increase the amount of fan-created information for this game. It doesn't seem to have gotten too much press or hype so far.

And Yap, if you want some company in GW, let me know. I pop in from time to time and have made no progress with any characters for a long time.

Somewhere, out there...
May 20, 2009 - 9:59 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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This game is not intuitive. [Image Can Not Be Found]

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May 20, 2009 - 12:43 pm
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Did I not warn you - see several replies above - that an expected reaction would be wtf? wtf? wtf?

What, you thought you were better than me? [Image Can Not Be Found] [Image Can Not Be Found]

Now you begin to understand my situation without a manual. Much makes no sense at all. And what does, still doesn't. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Can't wait for the reaction of Ms. Dewey D. System who by nature, probably needs to define, classify & categorize.

May 20, 2009 - 2:27 pm
Member Since: May 15, 2009
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Yapette said:

Now you begin to understand my situation without a manual. Much makes no sense at all. And what does, still doesn't. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Can't wait for the reaction of Ms. Dewey D. System who by nature, probably needs to define, classify & categorize.

Should be interesting. [Image Can Not Be Found]

I may have to ask partner's son, who has been playing a copy/version released in Japan, how he managed the lack of documentation and lack of sense.

Here's what I really want to know though: does it punish you for not "getting it" when it doesn't make sense (if that makes sense)? Do you feel free to experiment?

Mine's been shipped, but isn't expected on my doorstep until Friday, when I will have already left for a long weekend in Montana. So reactions of shock, horror and disgust may take another week. [Image Can Not Be Found]


May 20, 2009 - 2:56 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Unlike L[Image Can Not Be Found]st in Blue, you won't die of thirst or starvation. On the other hand, in your confusion you may miss opportunities and/or fail to advance in the game. As the game unfolds in Real Time, this can become frustrating. However, I think the basic/barebones game waits for you so it's ok to take all the time in the world to figure that part out.

All of which makes little sense, does it? Guess calling the game Nonsensical Magicians would not promote sales, huh?

Somewhere, out there...
May 20, 2009 - 3:31 pm
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Like Yap says, you're definitely not punished like Lost in Blue; however, I think the game has seriously messed with my DS' clock(I'm pretty sure I've set it to the right time, but I could be wrong). Stores aren't open when I think they should be and classes happen much later (we're talking night time) than they should.

Apparently, because I didn't play at all Monday I missed the very first incantation class as I got the attendance stamp for the 2nd class and the first is not listed in the "past classes".

I need to look at the DoubleJump guide, but haven't really had a chance. (And how stupid is it that I can't save the damned guide to disc, but I can print it?) Last night, I tried casting the magic for finding buried treasure and it didn't work. I'm sure I'm not doing it right and I was too tired to fire up my desktop and check the guide. Annoying.[Image Can Not Be Found]

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May 20, 2009 - 4:37 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I can't help much but to clear this bit of confusion (an example of game logic): Classes are held either 8 am -> 8 pm, or noon -> midnight. I think. Beats me who decides which time range - me or the game.

My game time (I think, not DS time) is set by me, incorrectly  - the game runs behind RT by 4 hrs. I don't play during the day but I want more daytime in the game.

Shops are open 9 am -> 9 pm.

Edit to add further tidbits on classes. You can take only 3 new classes per week. Only one per hour, no more. Unless it's a repeat class, that is unlimited. Must wait for a new hour (by the school clock) for the teacher to change. The same three are available all week, then a new threesome is taught. It rolls over on Sunday.

Somewhere, out there...
May 20, 2009 - 5:36 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Flipping quickly through the guide, it seems that the day/night cycle is based upon what time you enrolled. Since I enrolled after 6pm, my days start later than someone beginning the game at 9am. I haven't decided if I like that yet.

Using the magic linguistics is explained in the guide - not the manual. How so not helpful.

Please don't make me start over!

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May 21, 2009 - 11:10 pm
Member Since: May 15, 2009
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Well, I am very surprised to say that my copy of the game arrived today, a day before the estimated delivery date. How often does that happen?

It's going to be a busy weekend at a dog trial, but prepare yourselves for some questions at the very least. I started a character so that I could get used to the interface. Too many buttons to figure out how to use without a dry run.  First up  is my  confusion about whether I should enroll at 5 PM or not, since most of my game time would be in my RL evening, between 5 and 10 PM.

Manual is definitely not helpful on game mechanics--I've got about 5 pages that pretty much show which button to push for which action before it repeats it all in French.

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