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Fun with iPod Touch and iPhone
July 21, 2009 - 7:26 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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Alternate Endings:  “The interactive murder-mystery-comedy that lets you solve the crime!”  $1.99 in the Entertainment category (should be in Games) in the iTunes Store.

For fans of FMV.

I have downloaded AE, but haven't played yet.  Honestly, there just aren't enough hours in the day for all the good STUFF I have to play with.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
July 21, 2009 - 10:22 pm
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I'll have to put that in my list of things to download next month. I've exceeded my self-imposed purchase of games and books. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Check out Droplitz by Atlus (I heart Atlus): It's a strangely calming arcade game where you rotate dials to direct... drops (duh) for points. It's a definite time sink. I played the demo on XBLA and liked it, but not enough to drop 800 points for it. When I found out it was in the App Store for peanuts(!) - a mere $1.99 - I jumped all over it.

You're right, Spike, there isn't enough time in the day. If I could just convince work to let me play during working hours, I might be a happier gamer!

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Somewhere, out there...
July 22, 2009 - 11:46 pm
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Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition is now available on iTunes for $7.99

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July 23, 2009 - 12:41 am
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Toger, you must have really good eyes to do all the pixel hunting one must do in an adventure game on the iPod.  Either that or powerful reading glasses...or is it Lasik?

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
July 23, 2009 - 10:03 am
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Actually, the only adventure game I've played on the iPod is RtMI and it's really easy to see everything. Chillingo did a really nice job porting it over as most of the really fiddly bits are excluded - with the exception of getting into the Nautilus. The buttons on the keypad are really tiny.

I've been on the fence for a while about picking up Flight of the Amazon Queen for just that reason; however, I'm thinking I may jump on that soon if the devs for that made any similar concessions for that port. I probably won't pick up Monkey Island, only because I've got it on Steam... although playing while you're standing in line is a huge draw! Judging from LucasArts' twitter feed, the people who did pick up the iPhone version really like it.

Oh, and I have 20/15 with blended lenses. [Image Can Not Be Found]

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Somewhere, out there...
July 28, 2009 - 5:29 pm
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Bought Flight of the Amazon Queen the other day... literally spent 5 minutes with the game: to see the help functions, shake the iPod; everything is touch and drag. The only downside that I see so far is with the opening cut scene: since you're not touching the screen (why would you, it's a cut scene!) the iPod will begin to power itself down (screen gets darker, then shuts off completely) unless you tap the screen. And it's another game that sucks down battery life like a drunk in a hosted bar. In the 5-8 minutes I played, my iPod started to get warm too. What's interesting is that the other two games I've got installed - Toki Tori and Droplitz - don't cause it to heat up at all.

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Portland, Oregon
July 28, 2009 - 7:40 pm
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Flight of the Amazon Queen is a fun little game. I'm thinking seriously about getting an iPhone for my first smartphone when my current contract expires end of October. It would be fun to have some of these oldies on a phone when I'm stuck on a distant location shoot. That and some dowloadable books. I couldn't get away with reading a real book on set but with a smartphone it would look like I was working.

Somewhere, out there...
October 8, 2009 - 3:54 pm
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Beneath a Steel Sky: Remastered is now available for the paltry sum of $4.99US.

*edit - I'm now one of the cool kids. I bought myself an iPhone a couple of weeks ago.

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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 8, 2009 - 4:34 pm
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Congrats, Toger! Everyone should have an iPhone. iPhone completes me.

I just got Archon for it; still getting used to the controls. And I finished Spider, which I've been meaning to review.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Somewhere, out there...
October 8, 2009 - 4:43 pm
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Archon looks like a demented form of chess. You played a game called Spider? Seriously? I'm impressed!

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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 8, 2009 - 5:33 pm
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Archon is an awesome form of chess. I played it when I was little, at a friend's house. I came straight home and got my mom to order it through a magazine. This is back in the 4-6 weeks for delivery days... I remember I was so excited when it arrived, excited the way only a little boy who's been on pins and needles waiting for a wonderful toy to arrive can be. I wanna say... 11? I probably should have been more mature at that age, but hey.

Spider is Randy Smith's (Thief series) new game, so I felt compelled out of friendship. You know what's funny? It's awesome being a spider! You have all the power! You can jump and pounce and spin webs! I guess I only fear them when I am not one.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

October 8, 2009 - 9:44 pm
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Steerpike, Toger, and anyone else with an iPod Touch or iPhone...

...Tomorrow I'm ordering my 3rd gen Touch to replace the 1st gen which I will be giving to my son.  I want to add some apps to it before I send it off.  He hasn't been much of a gamer over the last 10 years, and the only game I can remember him mentioning in the last year is one of the Age Of Empires series.  There might have been others, but me no recall.

So, with that little bit of info, can y'all suggest some games that might appeal?

(Aside)  I can't believe that you two would consider a game with spiders in it.

Toger (to hijack my own darned thread), what progress are you making in Eger?

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
October 9, 2009 - 10:33 am
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You'll notice that I never said I was jumping on that Spider game. [Image Can Not Be Found] (see what I did there?) After watching the video with the shapeshifter turning into a giant spider, it took me a week to calm down & breathe and pre-order Dragon Age: Origins.

hmm, recommending iPod or iPhone games will be tough for me as I'm the odd duck... the only non-adventure games I have are Droplitz and Toki Tori. (see above)

We should start a thread over in Bollocks for YR... And I'm still on Day 2, I can't see to get it to end. Apparently I've missed something so I'll either wander around some more or more likely, resort to a WT to see what I've missed.

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Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 9, 2009 - 10:41 am
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If he liked Age of Empires, Spike, there's a version of Civilization for the iPhone. There's also Sim City... they might be good places to start.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

October 14, 2009 - 6:03 pm
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I'm drooling.  My new 3rd gen Touch arrived 30 minutes ago.  It's out of the package, and I'm waiting for my iTunes updates to download before I sync my new toy.  64GB of fun await.

I'll get Civilization for my son, and look around the apps store for more possibilities.  Thanks Steerpike for the suggest.

Toger: are you enjoying your iPhone?  Aside from the phone and camera parts, are there any features that you particularly like or dislike about it compared to the Touch?

I sure wish this baby came with the cameras.  Wouldn't surprise me if they added them to the Touch in a few months – when I won't be able to replace this new one.  I guess I could buy a lottery ticket.  [Image Can Not Be Found]

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
October 15, 2009 - 10:02 am
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Spike, I be loving my new toy. What I particularly like is I don't necessarily need wi-fi to connect to online stuff. It does check for wi-fi first, then if I can't find an open one it will use the the 3G network. That's rather slick. Being able to send text messages using an actual keyboard! That alone is worth the price of admission!

There isn't anything I don't like - well, except it took me a few tries to get used to the phone portion as there are far less buttons needed to push when answering/making calls - but that's more operator error. [Image Can Not Be Found]

I've yet to use the camera except to test it out.

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October 15, 2009 - 2:03 pm
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I almost always take my Touch on bike rides.  I'm usually out for 60-90 minutes (10-15 miles depending on wind and traffic, and the state of my arthritic knees).  I keep my Touch in a pocket, or on a belt clip on my waistband.   Adjusting the controls while riding is a pain.  So when the 2nd gen Touch came out last year with the external volume control, I wanted a piece of that.

My new Touch goes the 2nd gen 2 or 3 better.  I am thrilled with the volume control on the side of the Touch, but I didn't realize that the mic on the earbud cord also functions as volume control, pause and forward.  But wait! There's more!  The voice control function allows me to tell the Touch what to do - at least for several functions, and I can access that from either the device itself, or from the mic on the cord.  Well, how cool and convenient is that? 

I'm considering getting bluetooth headphones, then I can get rid of the dangling cord altogether.  I recently bought earbuds with a retractable dohickey, and that is a start, but not a perfect solution.

This could just be my ear, but the sound quality on this new puppy is somewhat better than on my old Touch.  I haven't even begun to plumb all its depths.  The new volume controls and the 64GBs had me from the get-go, and I bet I'm gonna love this more than I yet know once I put it through its paces.

Next stop:  Apple Tablet sometime next year - although I don't know if I'd want a device that requires ATT service much as some other netbooks do (not necessarily ATT).  I'd be satisfied with wi-fi like I use now.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

October 15, 2009 - 5:33 pm
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My current favorite game on my iPhone is that icky spider game that Steerpike recommended on the home page. I have tons of stuff. I tend to go for the more logic-puzzley games, though. My favorite of those is PathPix.

Portland, Oregon
October 19, 2009 - 12:57 am
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I'm probably picking up an iPhone in a couple of weeks when my current AT&T contract runs out and I can qualify for the subsidized handset. It will be a version of the 3GS though I can't decide between the 16 and the 32. I'll probably get the 32 gb version so I can carry all my work photos and demo videos without stressing over memory.

I recently set up a music server using a G4 Mac Mini I got very very cheap at Free Geek in Portland and ripped all my CDs to it. I liked it cause it is very small and fits into my stereo shelving effortlessly. Hooked up to my main stereo system it sounds fantastic. I will be able to use the iPhone as a remote instead of having to go to my monitor in the office and run itunes from there. I'm just starting to play around with playlists.

I've been a Windows user for so long OSX is very difficult for me even after almost 3 weeks now. I am picking up a guide soon to help figure out the commands. Funny how we program ourselves in one way of working. I thought the switch would be easy but not so. Of course I'm still using Windows all the time too. I still prefer it.

Can't wait to start getting all the iPhone games too.

October 19, 2009 - 1:51 pm
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Scout, one thing I've learned over the years:  buy as much as you can afford even if you can't begin to imagine needing it.  We all remember when a 200Mhz processor was the bee's knees (my Apple Performa, which I think was only 180Mhz).  My 1st iMac was a whopping 333Mhz with 32Mb of RAM and a humongous 6GB HD.  It too me 2 years to max it out with upgrades, but then almost no time at all to hit a wall - using it all, no room to upgrade. 

My 1st gen. iPod Touch was 16GB.  I considered saving money by getting the 8GB, but went for the big.  Didn't take long to fill all that lovely capacity, so my new one is 64GB, and I bet within a year I'll be hoping for a 128GB.

I've been thinking about looking for a good used Mini (late model with better graphics capability) to hook up to my new big TV.  I'm not much of a movie person, so I'd be looking to use it for internet and games - just can't figure out how to get confortable in my living room, in front of the TV, in a position to easily use a mouse.  Lap desk, I guess.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

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