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Game Sales
June 12, 2014 - 12:30 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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I forgot to mention this earlier in the month but for anyone who has Xbox 360 and a Gold XBL account you can download Dark Souls for free until June 15. Hey, it's another copy of Dark Souls and another 10 character slots!

Dix, the Uncharted 3 PSN thing might be in regards to multiplayer only. With PS+ I got the single player game free as well but when I load it the splash screen still refers to it as "Uncharted 3: Free to Play version 1.18" or something like that, which I'm pretty sure is a reference to the multiplayer.

I loved Last Light and alternatively couldn't get into 2033. I put more effort into LL for sure though. From what I hear LL is universally considered the easier, less hardcore game, which is a shame because that was a good deal of 2033's appeal I think. While the surface visits are amazing there comes a point where you'll probably have so much oxygen the intensity is lost. But goodness going to the surface in those games either way is incredible. I heartily recommend playing Last Light. Stealth worked well in LL; probably too well, whereas I think most people consider it broken in 2033 in that it is not viable. Steerpike or Helmut would be better suited to answer that though.

Even if LL does pale compared to its predecessor I found it a worthy game with a very compelling narrative. Eastern European studios continue to slowly claim the single player FPS as their own.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

June 12, 2014 - 2:56 pm
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I do find Metro's stealth to be somewhat broken, or at least woefully incapable, if not in any way that many other games of its type are incapable.  I don't know if I'd call it that hardcore as a game, though...maybe?  I guess I don't know anymore what "hardcore" means for a shooter.  I've been playing on hard and about halfway through I've been through some hard fights, but I've only fairly rarely had major trouble, ammo/supply issues, and so on.

I did read online some assumptions that the Uncharted 3 thing was multiplayer only since that's apparently been free before, but those sites claimed it was not.  I never checked myself, however.  Maybe they wanted to prep people for the Uncharted 4 reveal (not that this surprised anyone).

Lately I've been roving rather aimlessly between a lot of different games in a desperate attempt to find anything that grabs me right now.  Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, La-Mulana, and most recently The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, though the jury's still out on that last.  So far it has some of the strengths of Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper without the stupid padding, yet.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
June 12, 2014 - 10:22 pm
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Oh, tell me what you think of La-Mulana.  I've played some, but it hasn't really hooked me.  It's obviously a well-made game but I guess the style is a little too primitive for me.

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June 13, 2014 - 2:27 am
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I'm not sure if I'm quite in the right mood for it at the moment, though it appealed enough in principle that when I'm in the mood for a puzzle/platformer of its ilk - and this happens - I'll probably return to it.  My inclination is that I like all its parts pretty well, but I do not like the jumping.  It strikes me as having too much Out of This World in the jumping and not enough Mario.  That's probably on purpose.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

June 13, 2014 - 5:33 am
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Vampire: Bloodlines was great but it suffers from awful combat and the latter half/third of the game is made up mostly of that. Bleurgh. It's a shame because it could have been a real classic.

I need to play the Metro games.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
June 18, 2014 - 11:12 am
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I really enjoyed Last Light, though it fell victim to overcompensation in the matter of stealth and general difficulty. The first game was quite unforgiving and simply didn't have a stealth system, at least not one that was apparent, which I think we can all agree is kind of a problem for a stealth shooter. Last Light, on the other hand, was far too easy - not ridiculously so, but definitely too easy - and its stealth was amped up to the point where you were basically invisible no matter what you did.

For mood and atmosphere, and moments of great eeriness, I loved 2033. For solid shooterdom, stunning visuals, and fantastic set pieces, I liked Last Light. All in all I think they're both games that are worth playing if you're a shooter fan.

Ah, Vampire Bloodlines. I never did finish it. I kept running into the same damn bug, despite numerous installs across multiple machines. Some of of the medium's truly great writing is in that game, but too much of the rest is missing. Heartbreaker.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

June 18, 2014 - 12:04 pm
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I thought 2033 did a few things really well. I was moved by the mood and the story and I thought your very linear movement through the world let you experience the story like reading a book, without having any illusions of creating your own path. Maybe I was in the mood for that sort of thing, but it worked for me. I thought the stealth system was very accurate. You were able to penetrate camps undetected with care, but you weren't able to start shooting without someone noticing. I got the achievement for bypassing the Nazi camp not by killing everyone on the sly, but by crawling along the duct works overhead, albeit missing part of the story on the ground. It moved along from section to section briskly, kind of a mini mid-afternoon tea sort of game. 

Last Light on the other hand, seems to have been stuffed with Moar! To borrow the expression. The shooting sequences are longer though not necessarily any better, and the 'plot' sections are also longer with more of the face cam grabs and forced dialog sections that take control of the game from your hands for minutes at a time. There's far less feeling that you're doing something useful, and feels much more like you're just jumping through hoops.  

My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude

June 18, 2014 - 2:26 pm
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My problem with Metro's stealth is not that it isn't possible to do - though I ended up shooting my way through the last chunk of the Nazi camp, I got pretty far with the same strategy - but the fact that the enemy AI is one of those hive-mindy situations where if anyone sees or hears you, even fleetingly, even in the last moments of their life, then everyone knows where you are.  I just think stealth is one of those things that needs to be designed a little more fully than that at minimum.  Stealth without some kind of calling for help/alarm mechanic to me seems as broken as shooter mechanics without a manual reload.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

June 23, 2014 - 10:21 am
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In case anyone hasn't noticed, Steam is having a modest sale on a handful of titles for the next week.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
September 19, 2014 - 10:19 am
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All of the STALKER games are on sale on GoG right now.

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September 19, 2014 - 1:35 pm
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Not a sale, but Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut just released.  It's the formerly expansion-only Dragonfall campaign from Shadowrun Returns, but standalone and with additional content/improvements.  Much superior to the original campaign and well worth keeping an eye on for fans of isometric RPGs and cyberpunk and awesomeness.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 3, 2014 - 5:55 pm
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I just picked up Torchlight 2 on the cheap.  No gamepad support though.  What the heck?

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October 4, 2014 - 9:34 am
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It sounds really hard to play Torchlight with a gamepad, to me.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 4, 2014 - 11:08 am
Member Since: November 9, 2010
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Diablo 3 pulled it off. Why not torchlight?

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October 13, 2014 - 1:40 pm
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That was my reaction exactly Botch! TL2 was my first foray into the ARPG genre and I just recoiled at the controls. I can't stand the way you bait your character around with your mouse pointer like it's a carrot on a stick. Magicka did this but they were little wizards with a complex spell system at their fingertips so it made sense there (dashing, strafing and dodging wasn't the order of the day). When I played Diablo III on PS3 I was thrilled. Then I found out that Diablo III on PC doesn't feature controller support at all (or local co-op as a result). Made me appreciate FORCED's control neutrality even more.

October 14, 2014 - 10:49 am
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But really, what doesn't make one appreciate FORCED?  I noticed Steam updating it recently and thought, man, that game.  What a game.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 15, 2014 - 11:39 am
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Agreed, anyone who has a group of like-minded, patient people (and that game includes Dix, who was like a freaking uber-genius with those puzzles) is going to have a lot of fun with Forced. I mean, FORCED.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

October 15, 2014 - 1:00 pm
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You shoulda seen me when I was playing through the latter half of the game with a friend of mine.  Some damn good levels.

"Home is not a place.  It is wherever your passion takes you."

October 28, 2014 - 12:13 pm
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GOG has X-Wing and Tie Fighter for sale, modified to run on new systems. Anyone have any experience with these? I've read that they're good, but the price ($9.99 each) is a little bit steep for a 20 year old game. I was never really a Star Wars superfan either, more of a Wing Commander fan, although we had Mark Hamill which was a little bit confusing. 

My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude

Synonamess Botch
Texas, y'all
October 28, 2014 - 4:21 pm
Member Since: November 9, 2010
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Both X-Wing and Tie Fighter were excellent games in their day.  I played the heck out of both of them in the late 90's.  I, however, would not spend $10 for a nostalgia trip.

They compare very well to Wing Commander in my opinion, but in my world only WC1 and 2 exist. :-)

Edit: By most accounts a stick is required for the best experience, which I can appreciate.  Also, I'm assuming GoG will eventually get Day of the Tentacle, which would be awesome.

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