Irrational Games has kindly sent TAP the first in-game footage of Bioshock: Infinite previously shown at Gamescom. Instead of compressing a 10gb video however, I thought it might be easier to send you in the direction of who have the footage all ready and waiting (it’s what they do best after all). I managed to watch 30 seconds before shouting to myself “DON’T SPOIL IT!!“.
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This was amazing. I saw it yesterday in full HD on my tv since it is available on the Xbox marketplace as well. Highly recommended to watch it that route if you can.
Of course this entire video is heavily scripted and the final actual gameplay won’t look that impressive and seamless, but holy hell, who cares! It looks phenominal!!!! Why is this game so far away?!?!?!
Two thousand and TWELVE?!? With game teasers building interest for 18-24 months? Heck of a momentum to sustain.
Involuntary gasps a couple of times, what fun.
Anyone know (or can speculate) why blood splats on a seems-to-be lens in front of first person “I”? Like I am wearing a Big Daddy helmet?
Knocking that freak off the Columbus was priceless. Looks like I’ll be PS3ing it up for this one. I don’t think my aging PC will run this well…unless I upgrade…hmm…
Ok, now you can tell why the journalists at TGS were shitting their pants with excitement. This is a seriously awesome demo. Of course, as Tanis points out, it’s very scripted and the game itself won’t play like this, but still, if half of what we see here actually makes it into the game, DAMN!!!! It’s so good that the only thing I can nitpick is Levine’s need to hit the player on the head with his exposition/ setup. Those signs saying “they’ll take your gun” etc. could be subtler.
But the rest of it. F… yeah!!!
My mind was pretty blown. I’m wondering if I need to upgrade my PC..
Two words skittered across my mind while watching that:
Visionary and cleavage.
That was generous cleavage! Seems like they’d impede her ability to, well, stand.
I thought she’d got her very own pair of jet boosted balloons but um, yeah. Not so.
I’ve finally cracked and watched it. Good lord it looks amazing, doesn’t it?
I’m glad my new graphics card arrives this month!! 🙂