If you like reading excerpts then this may not be the review for you, because after you click the ‘Read More’ button there are no more excerpts in this article. I know, right? “Just one excerpt?! What was he thinking?” Who the bloody hell knows?
One year ago Playdead Games‘ Limbo was announced as the lead-off title in Xbox Live’s “Summer of Arcade” for 2010. It wasn’t believed to be in development for any other systems until, little more than a week ago, a summer 2011 release for PS3 and Steam was announced. Today, Playdead have revealed those launch dates. Limbo will arrive on the PlayStation Network for North America and Europe on July 19 and 20, respectively, and worldwide on Steam, August …
Well, it’s been a long time in coming, folks, but here’s the latest installment of my “monthly” feature column for the IGDA.
I had a weird experience with this column. Beyond weird. One might even call it… surreal. And it’s still going on; still hasn’t been fully resolved. May not be. Despite a strong desire to explain I think it might be best to leave it at that; suffice to say that what you read below is not the original version of this column, and while I’m perfectly satisfied with what’s there, the whole “road not taken” dilemma does resonate. Anyway, it’s a story that’s probably only interesting to me, so consider yourselves lucky to not be regaled with it. Enjoy the piece!
As you all by now surely know, PSN is down. It went and got itself hacked. And there’s no telling when it’s coming back up. Now Sony has admitted that as many as 70 million user accounts have been compromised, with personal information and encrypted credit card numbers in the paws of some script kiddie. A few analysts are speculating that this little fiasco could cost Sony upwards of $20 billion.
The Escapist reports that sometime in the Land of 2011, a high-definition remake of cult classic Beyond Good & Evil will be coming to PSN and XBLA. New textures, higher-poly models, remastered soundtrack. Nothing else about the game (including the vexing controls) are set to be changed, but this game is worth your time if you’ve missed it. Which I did. Despite trying several times to get into it. And owning it on two platforms. …