Our very own Finkbug, making hearty use of the intertubes and Steam Chat, alerts the Tap Newsroom that Good Old Games has shut itself down. Run by a branch of The Witcher creator CD Projekt, GoG offered, well, good old games re-optimized to run on modern machines. At a bargain price. Without DRM. A number of Tappers were great fans of the service, while others – including myself – supported it philosophically but never found …
And to think that just a few short years ago, Polish developer CD Projekt was nothing more than a small localization company that did translations of big games (they did Baldur’s Gate) for the Eastern European market. All that changed with The Witcher, the first CD Projekt-developed game. While the RPG was initially troubled by technical issues and long load times, CD Projekt’s continued support and releases of major upgrades allowed the game to get …