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Tale of Tales' Games
October 19, 2009 - 1:14 am
Member Since: April 20, 2009
Forum Posts: 128
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For those of you who have played 'The Path', I'm curious to know if you've tried out their other titles like 'The Graveyard' and 'Fatale'?

Fatale looks interesting.  [Image Can Not Be Found]

October 22, 2009 - 7:50 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
Forum Posts: 23
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I haven't played The Graveyard, but I did download Fatale recently.

I would caution you that Fatale is not a game, it's really more of a tableau. The Path, of course, led to a similar caveat/complaint, but Fatale really makes no pretense about being a game. The closest thing, perhaps, would be a GeForce tech demo. That'd be unfair, though, as the point of Fatale is much more ambitious (or pretentious if you want to be a jerk). It seems to play with similar themes of freedom, femininity and expression as The Path but it does so in a smaller world and in a less "game like" environment (though there are still "rewards" here).

I would say it's probably worth the 8 bucks if you're interested in the developers. It has some nice art direction and Jarboe returns to contribute to the soundtrack (a collaboration that I hope continues in the future).

By the way, a familiarity with Wilde's Salome may be helpful, though I haven't read it in five years or so and remember very little about it.

I would be very interesting in hearing other people's opinions of it here.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 22, 2009 - 8:52 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 3310
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The gaming world is kind of in a situation where it values TofT's games, but doesn't actually want to play them.

They're less the Ernst Lubitsch and much more the DW Griffith of game development... that is, we have to endure their work because it's art, but we don't have to like it unless we sense that our professor does.

In which case we must write an essay praising it.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

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