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Red Faction: Guerilla First Impressions
October 16, 2009 - 12:32 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 795
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I guess (ie. hope fervently) this is an example of one of those games that needs more processing power than what my aging system can bring. I simply cannot run it from an AMD 4400+ dual core processor. Further, in what surely must be a bug, I can't even nagivate through the menu system to change the resolution or detail settings without pegging the core at 100% for extended periods with crashes to desktop. 

By quickly launching into the game (avoiding the bulk of the menus), I was able to play through the tutorial level. The amount of destruction you can bring to each structure is quite amazing. I was able to crush every building, wall, dish, and stairway down to very small pieces using a sledge and some C4, although the latter involved a 20-30 second pause while the physics engine calculated the damage and animated the results. I could not start the actual first mission, however, with several CTD's.

A pc patch is in the works, apparently, as is a new platform for me, so hopefully I'll get some value from this yet. I think user built maps and levels where you could bring down huge skyscrapers with selectively placed charges would be a lot of fun. One of the preview videos I watched talked about how the level designers had to develop some engineering type skills to actually create models that didn't fall down on their own. I'm finding authentic physics based games to be a genre that is finally getting some traction with all the processing power available (to some people anyway). Anyone else find these games interesting?

My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 17, 2009 - 10:13 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 3310
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I hope you get it working smoothly, Helmut, as this is a really fun game. It's a one trick pony (blow shit up) but I enjoyed the gunfights and the demolitions immensely.

I read that every building in the game is constantly calculating its own stress level, so if you do X damage to a building and wait for a while, over time it could cause a collapse. Pretty cool.

As for comupter upgrades, you can get a Nehalem chip so cheap now I kinda regret upgrading to a Core 2 Quad 9450. Grab yourself an X58 board and a mid-range Core i7, a few gigs of RAM and a video card, and you'll be set for years. If you're judicious in where and what you buy, you can probably get the whole package for >$1,500. Of course, you may want to check with the Boss on this kind of thing, but it is in the name of research!

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

October 19, 2009 - 11:22 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 795
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I managed to get around the brain crunching slowdowns by playing in windowed mode. Secondly, for some reason, I have no problems getting into the options menu from the game itself, only from the starting menu, so I managed to get to the keys set-up page that way, although that is a disaster in itself with the keys still grouped under xbox controller titles. I finally reset to defaults and went off to play.

This is the first game I've ever owned that was a Games for Windows deal and I am declaring, here, a tap-repeatedly exclusive, that I will never buy another one thusly anointed. You can't save a game without any Windows Live account. To me this seems rediculous. The 'benefit' of having your save games available in the cloud available to play from other computers (really a thinly disguised DRM play) has the opposite effect when the clouds in your area have a tendency to piss rain interrupting power and network connectivity on a regular basis. The save/load mechanism is also dubiously implemented. I'm not sure if this is the game, or a 'feature' of saving games on the cloud, but loading doesn't take you back to the point where you saved, but to some common location. This is a problem if you were out driving around with no real purpose and don't remember how to get back to the fun. I've yet to figure out how this works exactly.

After all that the game is actually pretty fun. A cross between freeform driving around with the ability to destroy targets of opportunity mixed with predefined missions against various targets very GTA like with better weapons. And it is very neat to 'wound' a big building with some charges then have it fall down some time later.

My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 19, 2009 - 11:39 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 3310
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Games for Windows is awful. I had similar problems with Fallout 3 - demanding that I sign in, only showing me my saves when I had, etc etc etc. Very irritating, very intrusive. People expect it on the console but it is not and should never be that way on the PC. With luck MS will stop letting the Xbox people run the GFWL show and turn it into a useful service. Compared to a service like Steam, GFWL is an offense. An affront.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

October 19, 2009 - 1:33 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 894
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I didn't have any problem with Games for Windows with Fallout 3, except that I resented having to download some stuff. It ran with no problem after that and Risen is also a GFW that is giving me no problems. Still it is intrusive. I heard of all the hoops players of GTA !V had to jump through and decided I'm not going to play a game that has such demands. [Image Can Not Be Found]

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