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One pinkie toe dipped into the RPG pond - I'm still alive
December 3, 2009 - 10:24 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 1187
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Thanks loads, everyone.  I'm going to get back to F3 withing the hour.  I don't intend to use the guide as a walkthrough - at least not this early.  I'll probably have to lean on it heavily later.  I'm using it to learn how to play this game, and by extension, hopefully, RPGs in general.  However...

...I saw in the guide that I could have read some of my father's notes - on his computer, I think -, so I thought that those notes might give me some clue to what dear old dad was up to, if anything.  So I'm going to play from a previous save to get another look around his office.  I may then load my recent save to avoid taking the test again.  I'm guessing that what I read won't influence any outcomes, so I won't need to have that be a "recorded" part of my game.

Yapette:  when you say save often, not over...etc.  do you mean DON'T rely on quick saves?  Do quick saves each take a new slot?  Or do they replace earlier saves?  I'm used to saving often, so no problem there.  I think I read that the guy who wrote the guide used 400 saves in his play-through.  So clearly, there's ample room for saves.

The volume of the character's voices was still way too low last night, so as I was exiting for the night I maxed out that setting.  I'm hoping that the problem will be solved.  Otherwise, I think low voice-volume will cause trouble later since not all conversation came with subtitles.  A patch might solve this if it continues to be a problem.

I might move this conversation over to Bollocks tomorrow.  Again, thanks all.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."


December 4, 2009 - 12:03 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Quicksaves have their place. Hitting F-something just after accomplishing a task…or right before attempting one… is a huge relief. BUT. Yes, Spike, traditionally quicksaves use one slot & each one replaces an earlier quicksave. Thus, only a single option for reloading if all one does is quicksave.

That said, the game Jen & I are playing has 3 quicksave slots. That is not the norm.

About voices & speaker settings. I have 5.1 speakers (2 front, 2 rear, 1 center + a subwoofer) but not 6 sound plug-holes nor even 6 plugs. Some channels (speakers) are emulated by the motherboard hardware.  Sometimes, but thankfully not often, the game will (want to) use the center speaker for speech while other major sounds come out the 2 front speakers. When that happens, I can only hear speech clearly if I move sideways to the talker, or somehow get my character so the talker is not dead center to me.

Not solving your problem, just explaining that sometimes ingame surround sounds don't match your hardware or the way it's set up. Try looking at options/sound settings. Adventure games have on/off & high/low……rpgs can have oodles of possibillities.

December 4, 2009 - 12:27 am
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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Arrgghh!!!  Even moderately vigorous exercise never raised my heart rate like the last hour of this game.  Whew.  Had to stop just to catch my breath, and I'm playing on Easy.  Ran from cops.  Killed roaches.  Helped Butch/Mom - took 3 game reloads to get what I thought was a good outcome (talked Butch into saving Mom).  Killed cops; killed more roaches.  Looted all.  Got shot; took stimpak.  Learned that punching a cop who has a weapon gets me bloodied.  My reaction times are slow because I don't yet have the hang of the Pip-Boy or V.A.T.S. 

When that happens, I can only hear speech clearly if I move sideways to the talker, or somehow get my character so the talker is not dead center to me.

I figured this out, Yapette, but sometimes the game moves me to face the person squarely.  I'll fiddle with my computer's sound controls.  It isn't just a volume thing, so I might have to live with mostly inaudible conversations.

So... I'll only use quick save when I am in a real bind.  Otherwise, I'll do a real save, real often.

12:23am...30 more minutes of play, or a book?  I know which one would be more relaxing.  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Thanks Yapette.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

December 4, 2009 - 11:40 am
Member Since: May 15, 2009
Forum Posts: 24
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Spike said:

real save, real often.

This is now my motto! [Image Can Not Be Found]

December 4, 2009 - 2:22 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 1187
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It's a good one, ain't it, Jasper?  Especially for someone playing her first RPG.  It's easy to replay an hour of an adventure game because I forgot to save before a difficult bit, but I've already found out that I don't want to do this when my "life" is on the line.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

December 4, 2009 - 2:25 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 1187
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P.S.  Yapette has so kindly helped me move over to Bollocks.  Hoo-boy!  My first time active in Bollocks as a player, not commenter!  I'm feeling so grown up.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

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