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Mass Effect or Mass Effect 2
Portland, Oregon
January 23, 2010 - 4:18 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Having finished Dragon Age, not being inspired to dive back in, feeling all afterglowy about Bioware, I'm considering Mass Effect again. But Mass Effect 2 is coming out for the PC on Tuesday and the word is it's improved over the first one. I'm not a chronological completist. I don't have to play games in order, in fact I rarely do. But apparently you can take your character over to ME2 which is intriguing. Still, I know myself and fear if I start the first and not like it I'll burn out and not continue on. I like the idea of ME2 being an improvement and am in the mood for a big, stupid, shiny AAA game at the moment. It's winter, you know?

Still, 20 usd vs 50 usd....

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
January 23, 2010 - 4:33 pm
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Hard to say, Scout. ME seems to engender the whole spectrum of feelings, from dislike to love. My bet is if you didn't/don't like the first, you probably won't like the second, despite the improvements... so from that perspective I'm inclined to recommend that you save $30 and try ME1 first, just in case. Of course, if you do like it, then your entire investment is $70 instead of $50.

What do others think?

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Portland, Oregon
January 23, 2010 - 9:23 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Couldn't resist. I just purchased the first one from Steam. Been on the fence for a while now but the cheap price and the fact that there is a lot of guidence for this game sold me.

Installing now....[Image Can Not Be Found]Guns. There will be guns.

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
January 23, 2010 - 10:15 pm
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This is why Scout and I get along so well... we both want things, and then for a little while we try to prevent ourselves from buying them, even seeking counsel from others, but in the end we are slaves to consumerism. We buy. Maybe we feel a little guilt, but it's always overshadowed by the glee of owning something shiny and new.

Enjoy, Scout! Post on Bollocks!

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

January 23, 2010 - 11:53 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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Good call, Scout [Image Can Not Be Found]

Was your first experience on Xbox 360 or PC? If it were the former, I would wholeheartedly recommend you erase your memories of it, Tommy Lee Jones-style, and give it a fresh go on the PC (which it seems you have already done).

Of my ridiculous amount of play-throughs only one was on PC but it was definitely the best experience. Even though I found combat simple with the 360's generous pause system the combat is very fluid on computers compared to the Xbox. The graphics are better (performance wise, too) and the loading times (elevator sequences), if I had to guess I would say, are roughly up to ten times faster than its console brethren's.

On a side note, I think Mass Effect 2 has a good chance to be more than just that shiny triple-AAA title you're looking for. I can't say I give a hell of a lot of credence to many game review sites (FFC/T-R being one of the few that I do) but the early word on ME2 seems to be that BioWare has churned out some very compelling characters in this one.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

Portland, Oregon
January 24, 2010 - 1:05 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Steerpike, you know me too well, I'm afraid. Usually when I start giving reasons I don't want a game it means I'm about to buy it. I just need to do pre-penance before I once again spend money. 

xtal, I'm a pc gamer all the way, mostly because I'm pathetic with a console in front of me. If I can't use a mouse and keyboard I'm pretty lost.

I checked out the gameplay, made a little progress, got a taste of combat. Confusing but fun. I recently upgraded my gaming rig so I can play at full settings so I'm looking forward to the game. I decided to download the manual and take a look at it. After playng Dragon Age to the point of dreaming of it, this is a new and steep learning curve. I need to decide where to put xp points already. Guess it's off to the Bioware forums once more.

My plan is play Mass Effect, then hop over to the Dragon Age expansion when it comes out then back to Mass Effect 2. That should keep the monkey off my back till the sun comes out again in Oregon.

Portland, Oregon
January 24, 2010 - 3:15 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I see what you mean about mushy controls, Steerpike. It feels like I'm driving a big old Plymouth with loose steering. After Dragon Age, and esp. after Risen, which had very good controls, this is hard to get used to. The hybridness of it is a bit unsettlling and feels neither here nor there. I like the gameplay and story and characters though (uncanny valley squared). I got to the train station in the opening segment then got wiped out looking for bombs. Arggh. Timed sequence right off the bat!! Hopefully I'll start getting the hang of it soon. I'm figuring out squad control, I think

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
January 24, 2010 - 9:34 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I'm pretty sure it's your first and last timed sequence, Scout, though I'm a little rusty in my Mass Effectiveness (see what I did there?). But those shooter controls don't ever get easier to use. I admit I played on the 360, where they were simply awful... I gather they're just as bad on PC? I've never actually played a stop-and-pop shooter with a mouse and keyboard.

I'm still deciding whether to go with 360 or PC for ME2. Let's hope they've improved things a bit.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Portland, Oregon
January 25, 2010 - 10:03 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Not so much bad controls as odd feeling controls. It's probably just a matter of memorizing the controls and accounting for the slack. I'm starting to see that cover is a big deal in this game. Also, after Dragon Age, my instinct is to move from character to character during battle so I have to learn how to use, say my biotics guy from my solider character. Thinking about starting over before I get too far along. Not sure a pure soldier is for me. The acting in this game is pretty good. Also it is very blue. 

January 25, 2010 - 11:34 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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Mhm, a lot of quality voice acting. I actually think the best was Jennifer Hale, a BioWare (and video games in general) veteran, who plays female Commander Shepard.

One of my favourite voices to listen to in the game was actually the guy who does the codex entries. I can't remember the fellow's name, but he is very well-regarded in the industry. I've heard his voice on tons of Discovery channel programs and the like. His delivery adds weight to the "sci-fi" of it all … I don't know why but his voice seems suited to describe an imagined galaxy.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

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