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KotOR II restoration mod - complete! (Beta)
Somewhere, out there...
September 24, 2009 - 11:44 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1488
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I know there are several of us who've been waiting for this project to be completed. Now I need Yap - queen of all mods - to test it out. [Image Can Not Be Found]

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September 24, 2009 - 3:08 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I gave up waiting and tried playing Vanilla....three months ago? Six months? Time flies when you're juggling 6-7 games across platforms. I did use a better graphics mod & something to fix widescreen fat-people distortion (but it didn't work & I played in a 4:3 window). The game also crapped up periodically - I would become like a statue, couldn't move. I could swap party members - the others could move.  Plus, enemies could always move & kill defenseless me! Only solution was saving while stuck & hoping a game relaunch would miraculously unstick me. Major pain to deploy (periodically).

Anyway. Know how it's a personal failing that I play to the bitter end even when not enjoying a game? Just so I can wrap it up & uninstall, put the game away forever? Guess what....I stopped KotOR II maybe even less than midway through! [Image Can Not Be Found]

Didn't like the empty gray settings, found first two team members' personalities to be similar to RL humans I actively avoid, and more importantly I didn't identify with (or find better than boring) me. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Don't know if I kept my saves - I was so angry at being so disappointed. Decided by the point I quit that there was little a restoration mod could offer to address my personal complaints. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Somewhere, out there...
September 24, 2009 - 3:30 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1488
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For you to stop playing midway never to return is saying something. Since I'm always the last one to try things (because I find it impossible to play more than one game at a time - too confusing), I'll eventually load the game up and play with the mod. We'll see if it brings back that loving feeling.

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October 2, 2009 - 5:36 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Found my saves. Easy enough to reinstall the game. Iffin' I wanted to. 

How about if you test the mod?

How about if I wait to read your impressions of the game before I move forward?  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Besides, it'll give you an excuse to install the better video card that's been sitting in the box for years.

Somewhere, out there...
October 3, 2009 - 12:57 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Yapette said:


Found my saves. Easy enough to reinstall the game. Iffin' I wanted to. 

How about if you test the mod?

How about if I wait to read your impressions of the game before I move forward?  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Besides, it'll give you an excuse to install the better video card that's been sitting in the box for years.


As much as I love my over-sized Alienware beast, it's a bitch to install new cards because of the way it opens so I always delay upgrading anything until I can't stand it anymore. I worked up a sweat when I installed the additional 2G of RAM because the slots were so freakin' tight. By the time I was done, I had indentations in my thumb from pushing so hard on the mem sticks to get them seated correctly.

Besides, the boxed vid card has a fan and that confuses me greatly. I've not had to install anything with its own fan. That means looking stuff up and actually reading! *whine*

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October 3, 2009 - 10:05 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 836
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Naw, isn't that complicated.The fan just turns all by itself assuming the card is sufficiently powered. If it's not, the card fries cuz the fan isn't spinning. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Two steps:

1. Gently force the video card into the pci-e slot.

2. Attach a plug/cord from the power supply to that plug hole at the far end right of the card. Or not, if there's not a plug hole. In that case the card sucks enough power from the motherboard without your help.

Over the years, video card power plug sizes have changed. Some power supplies don't have the kind you need so a pin converter is necessary. My newest cards don't use supplemental power.

If you post the video card model, I could look at a pic & be more specific.

Somewhere, out there...
October 4, 2009 - 2:33 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1488
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It's an ATI Radeon X1600 pro (AGP) 512MB

I remember opening the box, reading the directions - silently weeping - then putting the box in the other room so it couldn't mock me. Of course, every time I go in that room to pull a game out, it does this [Image Can Not Be Found] ! Humans fear me, yet my home electronics laugh in my general direction.

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October 4, 2009 - 5:29 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 836
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Toger, have no fears, simply repeat my mantra as you install: “This is just a dumb piece of metal & plastic…I am smarter than it is.”

This is the card complete with photos. No external power supply. However, one reviewer noted a 420 watt p.s. is required. I assume you have that.

Download ATI Catalyst Software package to your desktop.

Uninstall old video card drivers, shut down.

Yank out the old, cram in the new. Attach monitor to new card (whichever slot fits your monitor connector). 

Boot up, ignore Microsoft's nagging offer to help (CANCEL).

Install d/led driver package from ATI.

Reboot & set resolution to your pleasure.

At this time you may reward yourself for a job well done by turning off the computer & settling comfortably in front of your widescreen tv to play a game on your 360. [Image Can Not Be Found]

edit: second line, "this" is a link if you fail to notice it is slightly bluer than black.

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