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Game Gleanings

November 3, 2009 - 9:47 pm
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Sorry, no personal recommendations or impressions - I'm looking for someone else's before buying. However, any comments either informed or gut-reaction based will be appreciated. [Image Can Not Be Found]


A Farewell to Dragons

Vampire Hunters

For the majority (everyone?) without a Wii:

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories no combat? no combat!

Cursed Mountain - Himalayas, Sherpas, religion & rituals....I am so there. Except for the combat, isn't that against everything Buddhists hold dear?

Sadness  b&w, 1900s, who exactly is the target audience?

Finally, this review for Scout instead of burying it in a Bollocks thread discussing Risen.

Dragon Age: Origins 

Somewhere, out there...
November 4, 2009 - 10:31 am
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Silent Hill has no combat?! Intriguing.

Did I mention I plan on getting a Wii soon? Seriously. :D

Cursed Mountain looks very cool. I'm a little hesitant because the review mentions problem with the motion controls, but I've played the Wii enough to know that's a problem with all its games. But I like the concept and watching the video review got me all atwitter. Going into my Amazon Wish List as a reminder.

I meant to post something about Farewell to Dragons last week and completely forgot. According to a thread at GWJ it was originally named Not a Time for Dragons . <– there's a link buried in there. I love steampunk. It's available now at Gamersgate. <-- linkage Based on the system specs, my rig will play it without any tweaking.

Sadness looks creepy.

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November 4, 2009 - 12:16 pm
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Yapette said:

Sadness  b&w, 1900s, who exactly is the target audience?

The audience would be those who like the horror genre, of course.  [Image Can Not Be Found]  Or parents who could wrestle the Wii away from the kids – after midnight or so.  Or those who need a break from Wii Sports - too much excercise isn't good!

I like the graphics of Sadness, but I have no intention of getting a Wii.  Maybe it will reach PCs at some point.

Steerpike:  my math skills have returned.  Hooray!  Thanks.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Portland, Oregon
November 4, 2009 - 1:32 pm
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For some reason I'm wary of Dragon Age. I think I will wait and see.

Somewhere, out there...
November 4, 2009 - 1:54 pm
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My copy of DA:O arrived yesterday. I've brought the manual to work so that I figure out my race/class. How geeky is that? 😀

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November 4, 2009 - 2:27 pm
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A Farewell to Dragons looks promising in the way of cheesy foreign games. I know it couldn't be anywhere near as cheesy as our favorite Eleanor game, but it has a bit of that same vibe.

Somewhere, out there...
November 4, 2009 - 3:37 pm
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What Jen said. I think I may have to download it. [Image Can Not Be Found]

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November 4, 2009 - 8:06 pm
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"Action rpg" are word-kisses of death for me. That & comparing a game to Dungeon Siege. Thus my reluctance to buy Farewell to Dragons.

Then, Great Joy! I found this player's first impressions on RPGWatch, his name is Jaimi. Now I'm feeling more comfortable about taking a chance.

November 5, 2009 - 10:15 am
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Yapette said:

“Action rpg” are word-kisses of death for me. That & comparing a game to Dungeon Siege. Thus my reluctance to buy Farewell to Dragons.”

Action RPG is the kiss of death for me as well, but then I was wondering:

What does Action RPG actually mean these days?

It seems like it used to mean “RPG in 3D” instead of isometric 2D. Does it mean complex attack key combos? Lots of jumping, crouching and movement modes other than Forward? Does it mean not turn-based, not pausable?

Having posed that question, the impressions from Jaimi at RPG watch make it sound less like a mad clickfest and more like a game I might want to play…

Somewhere, out there...
November 5, 2009 - 10:38 am
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Thanks for finding that Yap! To me, action/RPG means Diablo-like: lots of mad clicking, constant battles and little-to-no story. If the game's got a good story, I'm all over it! Who's going to be the first guinea pig? [Image Can Not Be Found]

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November 5, 2009 - 12:51 pm
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I take "action/rpg" to mean the same as Toger: majority of game is clicking & combat (Loki, Sacred 1&2, Dungeon Siege 1&2).  Most quests are kill-its & fetch-its. Story maybe as complex as: country bumpkin with dead mom tasked with saving the world despite lack of training or inherent skills.   Add in cannot be avoided respawning and that to me is action/rpg. By this point, it's moot whether the game requires combos & multi-key commands. 

I'll buy it. For the team. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Last night I tried that online flash game, Dragon Age Journeys. For the freebie equipment, of course. Ick! Is the one we bought based on invisible hexagonal tiles? I say ick cause I don't understand where to move just like in the highly reviewed whatever that game was about the knight, then the expansion was something about princess & armor. Ring any bells? My mind is a total blank. But I do remember understanding nothing & auto-combat didn't even require my presence as a player. Hope DA:O combat isn't this confusing (to me).

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
November 5, 2009 - 1:33 pm
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"Action RPG" can mean practically anything these days, from Diablo clones to STALKER to Oblivion to Demon's Souls. It seems if you have stats and/or an inventory, you qualify as an RPG. Personally, I think of them as RPGs that are more twitch and less strategy, so... pretty much what you guys said.

And turn-based RPGs are getting awfully thin on the ground. Even JRPGs, that bastion of androgyne heroes, schoolgirls, and turn-based combat, are adopting action elements.

People are loving Torchlight, I hear, and that's an action RPG.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.


November 5, 2009 - 1:46 pm
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Played some levels of Fate & beta'd Mythos. Reason why I am not buying Torchlight despite the love. Click->kill->loot->repeat. Or in my case, click->die->rez. For me, no loot compensates for being forever surrounded by enemies. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Otherwise, I'd love to play Torchlight.

Somewhere, out there...
November 5, 2009 - 2:49 pm
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Yap, I haven't loaded up DA:O yet, but based on the videos I've seen – most notably, Giant Bomb's Quick Look – gameplay is not confined to hexagonal tiles. I'm not sure why they did the Flash game like that (yeah, that's the only reason I'm playing it – for the free stuff! Of course, I've got four free codes to use for various items that I received for pre-ordering, too) It's a free-for-all as to where you want to move.

Gameplay video. I'm assuming the game doesn't actually run that fast and the gamer was doing a speed run or something.

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Somewhere, out there...
November 6, 2009 - 1:20 pm
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To add to Yap's Wii-mania:


Using the remote, you can point and click around the screen while using the analog stick to move your character. The cursor will change to a hand, a magnifying glass, or an eye if there is something to interact with or look at. Shimizu described the game as an adventure, and it focuses a lot on exploration, finding clues, and figuring out what to do, instead of fending off ghosts with a bat. Cell phones seem to be the theme of Calling, as we quickly stumbled upon a very girly-looking cell phone that rang constantly. It's chilling enough to walk through the still, abandoned, and unlit halls of the school and then have a cell phone go off to break the tension, but when you answer it, an incredibly creepy voice will come out of the remote to tell you where to go. It seems that the owner of the phone wants you to bring it back to her, and while common sense tells you to run the other way, there's really no option but to follow the disembodied voice and obey.

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November 15, 2009 - 4:09 pm
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Currently playing A Farewell to Dragons instead of Dragon Age: Origins .

#1 - wanted something with less party management & brain-tax. To my surprise, Farewell... eventually fields a party of six!  But altogether a less complicated game than DA:O so I'm learning leadership skills in a more friendly (forgiving) environment.

#2 - I left DA:O at release +1 week. Now player developed mods are rolling in....I love mods! Without a doubt, my return to DA:O will be modded.

Now, another gleaning: Planet Alcatraz. Aka Dungeon Cleaners. Read this tempting quote from "Racial segregation, misogyny, homophobia, debauchery, slavery, and cannibalism run rampant on the planet."

What's not to love? Has any group not been insulted? Unfortunately the English release has been pc'd up, but when I play I hope to uncover residual incorrectness.  (Gamersgate, $29.99).

Somewhere, out there...
November 15, 2009 - 8:01 pm
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Wow, how did you figure out that Alcatraz = Dungeon Cleaners? The synopsis for each game is completely different. 1C Company publishes some crazy games.

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November 16, 2009 - 1:24 pm
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No figuring or super sleuthing on my part. Searching for impressions, I read a post by someone who saw/played the original Russian & noted the games similarity.

Based on my fear that crpgs are a dying breed, I will add Planet Alcatrz to my ever-diminishing backlog. Someday I may actually catch up & be left waiting for new releases. Although the fear of playing Icewind Dale 1&2 may prevent that from ever coming to pass.

Last night I started yet another game - open beta of Alganon. Less than stellar WoW Wannabe but free till release.  I enjoyed myself & miss playing online although right now I have no interest in returning to WoW. Bought the Lich King CE (collector's edition), never installed, quit playing week before release (Nov. 08). I shall return to play through Northrend before the masses return for Cataclysm (3rd expansion, as yet no release date), then most likely quit (again) till the crowds thin out.

December 1, 2009 - 11:41 am
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I have just bought A Farewell to Dragons. It is downloading even as I write this.


December 1, 2009 - 12:49 pm
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Oh-oh, the game is kinda "rough" as in old timey, isometric, not something that will tax your new machine. That admitted, I'm still playing it. Saving more modern (fancy graphicals like DA:O) for times when all games seem meh so having extra prettiness is a plus. [Image Can Not Be Found]

That said, I preordered Divine Divinity II using the $10 Amazon coupon I got from preordering DA:O.

In truth, the game that's been eating up all my time - beta characters wiped last night, went live this morning - is Alganon (mmo).

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