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Famous (Or Infamous?)
September 22, 2010 - 11:08 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
Forum Posts: 1685
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When this popped up a few weeks ago I don't know how I completely forgot to mention it. I dropped the ball, to be honest.


On September 6, IGN ran an article about "crazy Mass Effect 2" stats and what they're used for. When I glanced at this article something stuck out to me. Something that looked very familiar.

If you go to that link and scroll down a bit you'll see an image with some statistics. The soldier is the most played class, for example. 80% of players play as a male Shepard. Roughly 50% of people who start the game finish it, etc.

The one that stuck out however, was this: "There are people who played a single playthrough for 66 hours." Now, I don't know what they mean by "people," does that mean ten, twelve, thirty-five, seventy? I don't know. What matters though is the 66 hours. They mention this because perhaps two or three people I assume played the game for that long, and within that hour range was longer than anyone else, right?

Well, I'm going to stop beating around the bush and just say it: I am the most famous Mass Effect 2 player of all time (yes, all 9 months it has existed).

My first (and only completed, thus far) playthrough: 67h 38m.

And I know we're in the age of "screenshot or it didn't happen," so without further ado:


EDIT: well fuckit I have no idea how to link to images on these crazy forum things. just go here.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

September 24, 2010 - 8:59 am
Member Since: September 26, 2009
Forum Posts: 1435
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I saw those statistics as well and didn't think 66 hours seemed that crazy considering how big the Mass Effect games apparently are. You also played as a badass female.

You win the internet xtal. I always knew you would.

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