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Even more fun with iPod Touch and iPhone...or maybe just iPhone. I can't tell.
July 21, 2009 - 8:09 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 1187
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Mysterious Island 2: Mina's Fate was recently released as some might know.  What I just read is that the PC game includes an iPhone Information Sharing Module that allows you “to complete a puzzle on his/her iPhone while on the go, then reintegrate it into his/her PC to continue the game. This allows him/her to carry on the game experience in another context, away from the computer. The data sharing module will allow one to seek advice and share impressions and tricks from players who are online at the same time.”

I don't know if this also works with iPod Touch (you'd need Wi-Fi, of course).  I'm not sure if I'd play this way.  I never finished Mysterious Island, so I'm not sure I'd be interested.  But still, ain't technology wonderful?

P.S.  This game is available from Big Fish Games as a large file download for $6.99.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
July 21, 2009 - 10:15 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1488
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It works for the 2nd generation Touch (apparently it needs the microphone) - no one ever reads the front page [Image Can Not Be Found]

However, it appears that the BFG version does not include the sharing module. If you download the demo from Microids' website, it will ask if you wish to install the data sharing module. If you click "yes" it appears as a separate icon on the desktop. When I installed the BFG version, I was given no such option nor does it even mention the possibility of sharing. Which I'm kinda bummed about - even though I have a 1st gen Touch, I was thinking of appropriating my son's 2nd gen Touch for experimentation purposes... [Image Can Not Be Found]

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July 21, 2009 - 10:41 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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Toger, I've been meaning to ask you, and anyone else here with a Touch if you downloaded OS3.0, and if so, have you had any problems?  I've had several, the worst among them is overheating, which makes gaming a no-go for more than 10-15 minutes because when it gets hot, it slows, and slows, until it's impossible to play anything.  Apple says they are working on an update, but that it won't be released until OS3.1 in September.  Presumably with the new Touch.  That said, I am still in love, but with blinders removed.

If the rumors of a video camera, true mic, and other goodies are true, I'll be trying to figure out how to afford a 3rd gen in Sept.  But I won't jump for a couple of weeks - I'll want to see what 1st adopters think.  Are the heating/slowness problems solved?  We shall see.

And about your review, I apologize.  I saw it at the time, but because I have it installed, and partially played, I didn't read it, so didn't notice that you mentioned RTMI2.  I also wasn't interested in the game for iPod because I'd need stronger reading glasses - huge magnifying ones!

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
July 22, 2009 - 10:11 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1488
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Spike-girl, no apology necessary. Really. If you haven't noticed, I like giving people a hard time. [Image Can Not Be Found]

Yes, I did d/l OS3.0. I did notice slowdowns, but they've mostly gone away since I dumped  the 99 Essential Beethoven album (I think I got a corrupted download from Amazon as I'd had problems with various tracks from that album way before 3.0) I've had no issues while playing RtMI or Toki Tori... except RtMI sucking up all the battery life in during long play times. I may have had some warmth, but nothing like you described.

I'm planning to make the full-on jump to the iPhone GS when my current cell contract expires in September. This way, I'll carry one less piece of equipment and won't have to rely on non-locked down or free Wi-fi when I'm not at home. I'll finally be one of the cool kids. [Image Can Not Be Found]

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July 22, 2009 - 11:58 am
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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I've done various things to abate the heating and slow-down problems including removing enough content from the Touch so that I was only about 5GB full.  Crap, what's the point of having 16 GB if I can't use them?  I tried removing only music, or only videos (I'm addicted to Rick Steves travel videos), or only games.  No luck.  I restored.  I reset (holding down the power and home buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears) as suggested by someone in the Apple forums but that only took care of one small problem that I had on startup. Not only does it get hot enough to be uncomfortable if I put it on my leg while playing a game, but it also gets warmer during charging than it did.

I know there isn't any incompatibility with any programs because of my systematic sync-unsync tests.  At 11am on the day of the "upgrade" (degrade is more like it) all was working well.  I plugged it into the computer to get 3.0 and added no other content.  By 12noon, right after the upgrade I took it to the porch to check it out.  Hot, hot, hot.

Apple has done right by me on many machines large and small since Performa 180.  I am confident that this will be fixed in September.  But I am an unhappy camper in the meantime.

But wouldn't it be great to have a 64GB device?  Phone and Touch.

Spike-girl, no apology necessary. Really. If you haven't noticed, I like giving people a hard time. [Image Can Not Be Found] 

This is one of the things I like about this place because I do too.  I offended one of my daughter's friends on Facebook (Don't get me started on this FB thing.  I got coerced by daughter and, really, sometimes it's best to just give in).  The woman (38yrs.old) knows me.  Has been in my house.  And yet a tongue-in-cheek comment offended.  Get over yourself (her, not you Toger).

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
July 22, 2009 - 1:55 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1488
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Oooh, it sounds like 3.0 really messed up your Touch. I'm assuming you cannot un-install the upgrade?

The only issue my Touch currently has is a wonky earbud connector. I always carry it in the outside pocket of my purse. I put the purse down and walked away, forgetting I hadn't pulled the Touch from the pocket… not only did it pull the earbuds out of my ears, it yanked the cord from the Touch. So now, the connection iis slightly loose and I don't always get sound through the left channel unless I jiggle the connection. Oddly enough, there's no issue at all if it's plugged into a car connection as it plays through both car speakers.

When my son found out I was on both Twitter and Facebook, his question was, “Aren't you a little old to be on that?” He finds it annoying that we have some of the same music on our iPods. It's a tough life when your parent isn't bound by convention. [Image Can Not Be Found]

If I ever get too old to try new technology, just kill me. I definitely don't want to be so "set in my ways" that I'm unwilling to try something new.

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July 22, 2009 - 2:14 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 1187
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It's a tough life when your parent isn't bound by convention. [Image Can Not Be Found]

My 31yrs.-old-next-month thinks this is very cool.  My 38yr. old daughter sometimes thinks it's great, but often finds it just plain weird.  She has never played a video game of any kind, although she had ample opportunities.  She will never understand why I love them so.  Stick.

I wasn't interested in FB, but she pestered me for months and I kept saying no.  Then early this year she promised that she'd play Lexulous (Scrabble-like game) on FB with me if I joined.  I gave in, and about 1/2 way through our 1st game she got too busy to continue.  The dirty rat.

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
July 22, 2009 - 3:03 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 1488
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My son (35) plays video games. I think he just likes yanking my chain when he makes those comments (I wonder where he got that from? [Image Can Not Be Found])

I'm only on Facebook because a friend uses it. I much prefer Twitter because it's more immediate (me being of little to no patience and all) and I can follow all my favorite food blogs!

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