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Dragon Age II: more content for free with pre-order, but only until January 11
October 14, 2010 - 2:55 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
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"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
October 14, 2010 - 5:01 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I'll probably pre-order, but I'm much more interested in going back to Fereldan and its environs more than the "free" additional content. So, Spike are you going to cast aside your dislike of fantasy and join us? [Image Can Not Be Found]

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October 14, 2010 - 7:44 pm
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Toger said:

I'll probably pre-order, but I'm much more interested in going back to Fereldan and its environs more than the "free" additional content. So, Spike are you going to cast aside your dislike of fantasy and join us? [Image Can Not Be Found]

I doubt it, Toger.  I'll be done with F3 and some great mods soon, but like everyone else here I've got a pile of to-be-played.  And I have unreleased games on my want list.  I have several unplayed games in my Steam library as well.  One of those is Oblivion, which I bought at Yap's poking.  I do intend to get to it, but so many games are a'callin', and there are so few hours....

"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Somewhere, out there...
October 15, 2010 - 3:30 pm
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Spike said:

I doubt it, Toger.  I'll be done with F3 and some great mods soon, but like everyone else here I've got a pile of to-be-played.  And I have unreleased games on my want list.  I have several unplayed games in my Steam library as well.  One of those is Oblivion, which I bought at Yap's poking.  I do intend to get to it, but so many games are a'callin', and there are so few hours....

emphasis mine... you'll notice that this doesn't deter me from continuing to buy games? [Image Can Not Be Found]

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October 15, 2010 - 8:30 pm
Member Since: July 2, 2009
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So is the SE basically the CE?  And why isn't it offered through Amazon?  And why doesn't FFC (err TR) have a buy link?


I miss Old Rooster.  [Image Can Not Be Found]

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 15, 2010 - 8:47 pm
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We all miss Old Rooster, Ernest, but we didn't ask him to leave, he did it of his own accord.


As to why there's no F/T/F/C/R buy link, we're done with scraping for cash that way. I didn't take over this site to make my fortune, I did it because I loved the people (and the sound of my own typing). You won't see ads on this site again.


Unless of course they make me an offer I can't refuse, like Kate Beckinsale.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Somewhere, out there...
October 16, 2010 - 5:11 pm
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Steerpike said:

Unless of course they make me an offer I can't refuse, like Kate Beckinsale.

Underworld or Van Helsing Kate Beckinsale?

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October 16, 2010 - 7:05 pm
Member Since: August 9, 2010
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"Underworld or Van Helsing Kate Beckinsale?"

It's all DLC. How many points are the boobs?

grooowrrrr! [menace menace] rrrrowwwr!

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 17, 2010 - 12:09 am
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Underworld or Van Helsing Kate Beckinsale?

Does it matter? Kate Beckinsale is Kate Beckinsale. I mean come on.


Dragon Age II: I never did get into the first one, a fact which still galls me. I owe it to myself to try again. They seem to be taking the sequel in a more Mass-Effecty direction... I wonder if that will displease those who loved the original.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Brisbane, Australia
October 17, 2010 - 9:37 pm
Member Since: February 4, 2010
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I might forego DA2, and save my pennies in the hopes that there will be another Elder Scrolls game in the (Bethesday Soft)works soon.  I think I saw Oblivion in the bargain basement for around $30AU (incidentally which has almost reached parity with the USD).  I'm sorely tempted to get it for my PS3, even though I've played through it a couple of times on the PC.

A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 17, 2010 - 11:28 pm
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It's funny, Jarrod, I enjoyed Oblivion a lot more on the 360 than on the PC even though it was sub-mediocre regardless of platform.


Like Toger, I buy games and put them in a pile, so DA2 will probably be mine whether I want it to be or not.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

October 18, 2010 - 10:38 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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Steerpike said:

Dragon Age II: I never did get into the first one, a fact which still galls me. I owe it to myself to try again. They seem to be taking the sequel in a more Mass-Effecty direction... I wonder if that will displease those who loved the original.

If DA2 goes the path of ME2 you can expect the following:
  • less role playing, more streamlining
  • tighter overall gameplay, but less illusion of freedom and more linearity
  • simpler, more efficient combat system, improved dialogue system, more revenge-i-ness
  • one ridiculously crippling new feature that erases all the improvements (in ME2's case, resource mining ... in DA2's, who knows yet!)


I am also sad to report I still haven't "got into" Dragon Age. I really want to. It's BioWare, whom I love, but I've just found it difficult to do so far. It could be the lack of time I get to devote to an epic RPG.


Yet that probably won't stop me from sinking a ton of hours into New Vegas.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
October 18, 2010 - 11:28 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Unless New Vegas is more Alpha Protocol than Dragon Age, something I fear might turn out to be the case.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Somewhere, out there...
October 18, 2010 - 11:31 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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If DA2 streamlines its role playing to the point of none at all, there will be lots of screaming & cursing from me. The reason I enjoyed DA:O so much was that I really got involved in my character and how she reacted to the world and her companions. I did/didn't do things based on what she would/wouldn't do. The free-flowing conversations between companions as we travelled were marvelous and in some cases downright hilarious.

DA:O was already fairly linear (not that there's anything wrong with that) and it worked well. You could recruit the four other races in any order that you wanted; however, in the grand scheme of things you were travelling down a rather specfic path.

I played DA:O on the 360 (xtal's head explodes). Once I figured out the tactics mechanic combat was a piece of cake. And we all know what a combat weenie I am.

I'm pretty sure I'll pre-order, then play it as soon as it's in my grubby hands while my massive pile o' yet-to-be-played games pounds on the glass-front cabinet yearning to be free.

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October 18, 2010 - 12:34 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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I did mock you for owning DA on the 360, didn't I, Toger? One wouldn't think it wise for a mere penguin to mock a giant, half-extinct freak-beast, would one?


[Image Can Not Be Found]  I am sorry for that. Eviscerate with care.


Obsidian do have a rather lousy track record, don't they? Alpha Protocol (a good game buried within a terrible game, to paraphrase Steerpike's impressions), NWN2 (a system hog of Crysisian proportions, generally aimed at a crowd of folk who probably own(ed) a fleet of aging PCs), and the commercial success, critical "it's pretty good," and in-hindsight-it's-too-similar-to-KOTOR of KOTOR 2.


What we've got here is a recipe for disaster. Will New Vegas ride too much on the coattails of Fallout 3, or can Team Original Fallout (Kind of) rise to the occasion and deliver a winner? Will the Movie Trailer Voice Guy personally narrate this forum post? Tune in tomorrow … same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 19, 2010 - 3:55 am
Member Since: August 9, 2010
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xtal said:

  • less role playing, more streamlining
  • tighter overall gameplay, but less illusion of freedom and more linearity
  • simpler, more efficient combat system, improved dialogue system, more revenge-i-ness
  • one ridiculously crippling new feature that erases all the improvements (in ME2's case, resource mining … in DA2's, who knows yet!)


Funny timing as I'm playing catch up, having finished ME last week and chewing on ME2 tonight. ME had a zillion serious problems but it won me over.

Early ME2 and don't see myself finishing it. Every non-combat change is replace one problem with another to should've gotten genetic screening and dialed the abortion. The combat is nice, if console-y Halo*, but the ridiculous gaps between quicksave are wearing me down. I'll drop from veteran to bunny mode and see if that produces teh fun.

*I may be the only one, but quite liked the combat in ME. Stupid easy even on hard modes, one sniper rifle to rule them all, but still fun.

grooowrrrr! [menace menace] rrrrowwwr!

October 19, 2010 - 12:30 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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I didn't mind combat in ME, it was fine, if not lacking some fine tuning. I found combat in ME2 very sharp; much better than Halo, which I think has terrible combat but obviously a nation of millions can't be wrong; I think ME2 almost out-Gears'd (sorry Steerpike) Gears of War.

Where ME1 was a respectable role-playing game with a fair story and a few decent characters to flesh it out, its combat was cited as the awkward weakness in the pie. In ME2 it's the opposite: brilliant shooting mechanics, some of the most enjoyable console combat I've ever partaken in, filled with mostly over-dramatic caricatures of struggling or conflicted individuals and an all-too-typical Dark* Second/Middle Act plot. The characters, you say?

Disgruntled, former alliance military man with unresolved father problems and trust issues? Check. (Jacob Taylor)

Genetically modified super-woman created for no other purpose than to be a perfect woman/being (both physically and intellectually)? Check. (Miranda Lawson)

Super genius male alien doctor inserted almost purely for comical relief? Check. (Mordin Solus)

Greatest assassin in the galaxy, conveniently willing to join your cause for no fee because he is terminally ill and must cleanse his conscience? Check. (Thane Krios)

Most powerful biotic (read: magic) user in the galaxy, rife with angst issues and an uncontrollable urge to destroy everything in her path because of her shitty upbringing, conveniently willing to join your cause because you tease the promise of all that and more? Check. (Jack aka "Subject Zero")

Smartest, most efficient vigilante in the galaxy, willing to join your cause because he feels the need to atone for the deaths of his former mercenary squad? Check. (Garrus Vakarian)

Hilariously macho, suicidal maniac with excellent rifle skills willing to join your cause because he likes blowing shit up and getting revenge on people who have wronged him? Check. (Zaeed Massani)

The list goes on …

There are at least some great characters who iron out the bombast of the others (Grunt, Legion, Samara). That's not to say, of course, that I hate the game; to the contrary, it's quite entertaining. Just a bit tiresome when it comes to the personalities within it.


*I have found the word "dark," in popular culture over the last decade, to be the most detestable word used to describe anything. Find me something with the number "2" in it that isn't pitched as "a much darker story" and I'll give you a cookie. This word is followed closely by "reboot."

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 19, 2010 - 11:34 pm
Member Since: August 9, 2010
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Your list is damning, but despite playing all the games I've never been entirely sold on Bioware characters in general. Space hamster, the nadir of Dragon Magazine? Check. Also never loved running around an otherwise unneeded ship/camp model to chat with each person over and over to see if anything has changed or guessing which person to have on hand to get their switches thrown in some random mission.

My problems with ME2 so far (got to the first Collector fight tonight) may be my general unfamiliarity with modern console game design. Aside from the resource collection, that's just dumb: way to regress past Starflight. Feeling a lack of feedback from UI. Also, despite a million codex entries (good stuff) it took a heck of a long time before I figured out how the partially unified ammo worked 'cause it doesn't seem to be covered. Still mystified and annoyed by the hybrid save system.

Lest I sound too negative, I have played all of their games. Always enough good to keep me around.

grooowrrrr! [menace menace] rrrrowwwr!

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