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Dante's Inferno
Somewhere in the frozen tundra
February 9, 2010 - 10:24 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2009
Forum Posts: 307
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I can't tell you how appalled I am that some game company is trying to get a leg up by calling their game Dante's Inferno.   I looked at their web site and watched the trailer.  I am offended.

This is one of the greatest books ever written.  I spent 6 months studying the entire Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso) in my senior year at college.   Let me tell you.  As far as great literature goes,  it doesn't get any better than this.

And now it is being treated like crap in a game that has no interest in the real valid story of the Inferno or the overall story of the Divine Comedy.  They have just taken  the title and are using it to sell a game.

This totally disgusts me.

In case you wonder what I really think  [Image Can Not Be Found] 


Imagine life with no hypothetical situations. 

Portland, Oregon
February 10, 2010 - 12:06 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I hate to break it to you kay, but there is also an animated movie companion released along with the video game.

I hear they are going to make Run Rabbit Run into a shooter next. [Image Can Not Be Found]

February 11, 2010 - 11:27 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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A friend of mine, who is on the fringe of the industry, said that from what he knew everything about Dante's Inferno (the game) was a laughing stock. It's unfortunate to see something like that ape street cred from established, beloved literature and on top of that completely disregard its source material.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
February 11, 2010 - 12:16 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Its reviews are mediocre to poor and the obnoxious ad campaign that EA ran turned a lot of people off the game forever. I definitely applaud the idea of using literature as a basis for games, but not this way. It has nothing at all to do with Dante's work.

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

February 11, 2010 - 8:30 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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I say who the hell cares. Life is too short to get all twisted up about stuff like this. It would be mega cool, though, if there were a game based on the real Dante's Inferno. An RPG where you play as Virgil and Dante is your party member...


February 12, 2010 - 2:21 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Ditto to Jen. My thought was "way cool," does this mean I can play Dante's Inferno as an rpg?

Not owning a PS3 was more of a roadblock than avoiding spoilers for a primary source that I will never read. In this lifetime.

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