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Outer Wilds (wild spoilers!)
September 19, 2019 - 6:34 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2009
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Okay Max, hit me: what's your status?

September 21, 2019 - 2:03 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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Ok, I'll try to go high level with what mysteries I'm stuck on.

As far as the Quantum Moon, I've acquired a lot of knowledge. I know all about taking pics of it to have it not disappear; I know you need to land on one of the poles (I forget which) to get there. I know there's something about a sixth location.

Giant's Deep, I just recently found the island that's inside one of the big cyclones. I forget what I learned there. Maybe something about Quantum Moon actually. I still don't know the key to getting below the current. I know that the jellyfish things have something to do with it. Side note on Giant's Deep: I think it's intentional, but I find it really powerful and beautiful how Giant's Deep is the first object you see in the sky when you wake up, and that the guy on Giant's Deep (god I forget his name at the moment) is the only other person who understands that you're in a time loop. The fact that you kind of wake up, looking at each other, so to speak; that hits me so hard every single time. God this game is good!!!!

As far as time travel and the White Hole station goes (this shit was one of my favourite revelations), there are two warps from Ash Twin that I feel I have unfinished business with: getting to the Black Hole forge on Brittle Hollow via time travel (I've done it, but once there I'm actually struggling to get to the Forge itself). And second, I know I need to warp to the Sun Station, because I spent an hour trying to land directly on it with my ship until I decided that route was almost virtually impossible. I know I can warp there, I just don't know how to get to that teleport room on Ash Twin.

As far as Dark Bramble goes, I've found Feldspar, and I've taken a picture of The Vessel. I haven't actually reached the vessel. I'm not actually "stuck" per se on this part. I just find Dark Bramble scary as fuck, so I avoid it mostly.

The Interloper, my latest discovery is that when it gets near the sun, part of the surface melts and you can get below. So I'm not stuck there either, I know what to do; just need to execute.

For Brittle Hollow, I feel like there are still a few things I need to figure out. I was trying in vain for so long to get into the tower of Quantum Knowledge. I was so frustrated by that I looked it up how to get there, and when I learned you have to let it fall through the black hole and come out at the White Hole station, I smacked my forehead. So I got in there. I forget what piece of knowledge I learned there.

I don't think I have anything left outstanding to discover on the starting planet [edit: Timber Hearth, that's it] or its moon [edit: Attlerock].

I landed on Hollow's Lantern once or twice, and am pretty sure I got what I needed there.

According to the ship log, I still have some unfinished business in the underground city (forget the name?) on Ember Twin. That place is really cool; I searched most of it in a few consecutive tries, and now it's just been a while since I've attempted to go back there.


Gregg, I think what I need to do is take a picture of my "red string mystery board" in the ship log and get that posted here. That way you can see exactly everything I know, and maybe give me some pointers. I'll get that picture on here soon! But there's my opening salvo of word barf in the mean time.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

September 22, 2019 - 6:54 am
Member Since: September 26, 2009
Forum Posts: 1435
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God, this is so exciting!!

Yeah, let me see your info board. I'll tread so carefully not to spoil anything for you.

"I just find Dark Bramble scary as fuck, so I avoid it mostly."

It was the last place I went for that reason!

"The Interloper, my latest discovery is that when it gets near the sun, part of the surface melts and you can get below"

*sharp intake of breath*

"I landed on Hollow's Lantern once or twice, and am pretty sure I got what I needed there."

Wait, what? *fires up Outer Wilds*

Whoa, there's a cool piece of information hidden on that orbiting ball of fire and death! Thanks for the tip Max! 😀

My advice would be to have a good read through your info board, get reacquainted with what you know. From there you should get some clues on where to go next and with fresh eyes possibly some further insight on things you already know. Sounds like you've got plenty of loose ends to be looking into, WHICH IS SO EXCITING.

The title screen and music gave me the feels, again.

September 24, 2019 - 10:08 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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Oh god, I know. The tinkling sparkly sounds when you get the Annapurna logo, and then that sweet moment the bonfire lights up and you get that sexy bass slap. Yeah, great, great menu. I've chilled on that menu for 5 minutes sometimes.

Also, Gregg, did you ever just...go hang out with Chert to die sometimes? I really enjoy just hanging out with Chert and watching the world end. It's especially heartbreaking as you see him go through the phases of curiosity about the exploding stars; then horror at realizing what's happening; then his almost zen-like acceptance. Chert is cool as fuck. Also, he play that drum real nice.

I'll try to get my mystery board posted up here later tonight when I get home from work!

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

September 26, 2019 - 6:08 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2009
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I first encountered Chert at the end of a cycle when he was catatonic. Later I met him earlier (ha!) and got to talk to him about star charts and supernovae. Yeah, his phases are very interesting! That moment when he laments being born at the end of the universe I found haunting. Like, there's nothing you can do about that and someone's bound to be there for it. But, yeah, I chilled with him listening to his beat till heat death.

September 29, 2019 - 12:09 pm
Member Since: April 19, 2009
Forum Posts: 1685
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Okay, here's pics of my string map. I've never learned to export Xbox screen caps so I just took pictures with my phone. And yes you get a pretty nice reflection of me in my tv lol.

Something surprising is that areas I had previously completed explored are now saying I have more to explore. I assume something new was patched into these places? This is a problem I have with leaving games alone for a bit and then they get changed. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage now. These locations include:

-White hole station

-Hollow's Lantern (what the hell could they have added here???)

-Ash Twin site map (also confused what could be added here)


Seems I have to re-tread some areas that I forget how to tread in the first place. Oh I should not have put this game down for two months.. It's so good but ... ehhhh ... it feels absurd to say any of this beautiful game has been padded out ... but some of the tasks ... just seem like busy work. This game shouldn't take 30 hours. 15 or 20 would be good. It's such a big little game though. Or is it a little big game? I don't know.


Anyway these might be low quality images. Hopefully you can zoom around on them a bit.

IMG_3340.JPGImage EnlargerIMG_3341.JPGImage EnlargerIMG_3342.JPGImage EnlargerIMG_3343.JPGImage EnlargerIMG_3344.JPGImage Enlarger

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If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 1, 2019 - 6:17 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2009
Forum Posts: 1435
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Sorry Max, will take a look at this tomorrow night. The last few days have been crazy busy!

October 2, 2019 - 4:56 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2009
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Damn it, the page gobbled up my reply. Bleurgh. And it tried to do it again!

"Something surprising is that areas I had previously completed explored are now saying I have more to explore. I assume something new was patched into these places?"

Yeah, I know the devs have been tweaking various things and adding bits of info to alleviate some of the sticking points. I got hopelessly stuck at least once, perhaps twice. My information board was fully complete before but now it's saying there's more to discover, which is exciting!

So looking at your board I'd recommend investigating:

The Quantum Moon and 'the sixth location'. Visit the Lakebed Cave too.

"I know all about taking pics of it to have it not disappear"

You know what to do here Max, you can feel it in your bones.

The Interloper, like the Quantum Moon, is really exciting so fold that into your travels at some point. The Orbital Probe Cannon has a few missing bits so check that out. Those should get you all fired up again.

The Black Hole Forge and Sun Station are hard to get to but the Ash Twin Tower Designs should give you some clues. There's an added step to accessing the Black Hole Forge which stumped me so if you need any further info on this, let me know. The Black Hole Forge is on Brittle Hollow which I spent a loooooong time on exploring the Hanging City. That's also where the Southern Observatory is which has some key info on how to get somewhere else...

You've got a good variety of things to be looking into here but I'd just say get stuck back in and start piecing things together again. I think once you get going again, you'll blast through. Curiosity kept me going until the very end (and even now I want to know what other bits they've added).

Did you do much at the High Energy Lab? There's something really interesting there.

October 4, 2019 - 9:16 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
Forum Posts: 1685
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If I recall, I made it into the High Energy Lab one time, but got all I think there was to get. I saw the Ash Twin Tower map in there; and I also opened that wall panel with the miniature white and black holes on the other side. I launched the camera probe into one and watched it coming out of the other almost...before I had launched it. I think they nailed their 22-minute experiment thing, and the nanoseconds of backward time travel thing too. The lab was very cool. It definitely felt like one of the biggest "wows" so far.

I forgot about the Lakebed, which does seem like one of the easiest available things I can check out. The sand on the twins just kind of stresses me out, so I've probably avoided it for that reason.

I got under the surface of the Interloper a few nights ago; traveled through some tunnels, found a lot of ghost matter. I'm not sure if it matters what part of the surface you transcend when the ice melts? Wherever I went down it seemed like I explored everywhere I could, and I inevitably ran into ghost matter and died.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 4, 2019 - 2:54 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2009
Forum Posts: 1435
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xtal said
I also opened that wall panel with the miniature white and black holes on the other side. I launched the camera probe into one and watched it coming out of the other almost...before I had launched it.

Yeah, I thought this was a very cool and perfect way to illustrate the time quirk that underpins the entire game. This little experiment is worth experimenting with further...

xtal said
I'm not sure if it matters what part of the surface you transcend when the ice melts? Wherever I went down it seemed like I explored everywhere I could, and I inevitably ran into ghost matter and died.  

No, it doesn't matter where you enter the Interloper. Did you try using your trusty scout to explore the ghost matter tunnels? Love that scout.

Yeah, the sand definitely adds tension to everything on Ember Twin. Back when I played I hadn't found out how to meditate and you couldn't sleep at campfires either to pass the time. But there were always things to check out while I 'waited' thankfully.

October 10, 2019 - 11:42 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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Yes, the scout got a lot of use on the Interloper. It moved a lot before settling anywhere.

And, meditating? Resting at campfires? These must both be things that were patched in? Hmmm...

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 10, 2019 - 5:01 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2009
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Resting at campfires is new, but not meditating. That's an ability a certain Hearthian teaches you to help pass the time...

October 11, 2019 - 10:16 am
Member Since: April 19, 2009
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A certain hearthian on Timber Hearth during the intro sequence? Or somewhere else?? Is meditating an actual mechanic or just a joke? I'm pretty sure I haven't done that.

If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever

October 11, 2019 - 2:25 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2009
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It's an actual mechanic, like resting at campfires (which allows you to fast forward time). Not a Hearthian on Timber Hearth, but one who, like you, would have a use for meditating and passing the time...

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