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Ain't surgery fun?!?
January 22, 2010 - 10:54 pm
Member Since: April 20, 2009
Forum Posts: 128
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Well, I've been laid up the past week because of an appendectomy I had to go through.  I think I've had a few flare ups of appendicitis in the past, but this time really gave me a fever and not feeling good, so off to the urgent care clinic I go.  After some tests and scans, the radiologist says, "Get thee to the nearest emergency room!"  So off I went....

Have I mentioned before how much I am fearful of hospitals?  Between the endless tests, needles, blood, pain, needles, pain, IV's, needles, and PAIN.......I just avoid hospitals entirely whenever possible.  It all caught up to me though, and boy was it as horrific an experience as I always imagined it would be, hehehehe.  I know I'm a wimp.  Shoot, they did a laproscopic procedure on me to remove the appendix so it's really considered minor surgery.  STILL!  That 48 hours I spent trapped in my bed not even being able to really change my position was just really not a good feeling.  They also put this device on my legs to stimulate blood flow post-op to supposedly reduce the chances of a blood clot forming.  Imagine a device that looks like a blood pressure cuff but extends from your ankle all the way to your knee.  Imagine it puffing up like a regular blood pressure cuff every 50 seconds and then going back down.  Imagine the torture!  I dare anyone to try sleeping through that, not to mention it made me go from being mostly immobile to 100% immobile heh.  All of this combined with the 24/7 IV stuck in my arm (which still is sore) and the *many* vials of blood they took from me to test my white blood cell count will be in my nightmares for some time to come.

Okay, enought whining.  I survived it all and have since been at home resting up (yay no work) and eating solid foods again.  Looks like it will be 3-6 weeks though before I'm fully healed.  I still can't stand for too long without my back complaining.  I also haven't been able to sleep in my bed since leaving the hospital.  My back much prefers the recliner chair.  All things considered, I know I made the right decision to be proactive and get tests run just in case.  I'm happy about that.  Looks like lakerz will be here to stay for awhile longer. [Image Can Not Be Found]

January 23, 2010 - 9:05 am
Member Since: September 26, 2009
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That sounds nasty lakerz and I'm glad you're feeling better. I had a friend with appendicitis and it knocked her for six so I can understand the fever and stuff. Was it 48 hours with that device on your leg? :-S

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
January 23, 2010 - 2:12 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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What a miserable experience, Lakerz, but I'm relieved it's over and you'll be feeling progressively better.

The most major procedure I ever had was getting my wisdom teeth out, that sounds like it was about a thousand times less unpleasant than what you just went through. Get some rest and try to heal up!

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

Portland, Oregon
January 23, 2010 - 3:09 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Jesus Christ, lakerz! I hate hospitals too and your experience tells us why we should seriously consider sacrificing live chickens and smearing the blood on our skin instead. Oh…right…bird flue. Never mind. 

I've not had to go inpaitent in my adult life though the suckers have taken the knife to me more than once. The one time I did stay over was to have my appendix removed as well. Fortunately I was only  6 or 7 so the memory has mostly faded. Hope you won't have to go down that road again anytime soon though it most likely was a good call to do so.

Somewhere, out there...
January 23, 2010 - 3:39 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Whiners. [Image Can Not Be Found] I had my appendix out while I was 3 months pregnant. (my idiot child is alive today to torment me, so not to worry) I don't remember having much pain trying to stand or sleep, but I definitely remember the pain involved when laughing or coughing. I didn't get the cuff thing - don't think they used those back in the day - but they did make me get up and walk the hospital halls the very next day. Rat-bastards.

That was easy compared to when I broke my leg just above the ankle and was confined to my house - steps, no car, hills of SF - for 6 1/2 weeks. That's when I just about lost my mind. I discovered I don't do well with confinement.

Feel better Lakerz! I definitely feel your pain.

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January 25, 2010 - 11:21 am
Member Since: April 10, 2009
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Me too with the pregnancy appendectomy! And let me tell you, no drugs is a terrible thing! I don't remember a leg cuff thing, either, but I was sorely traumatized by the whole experience.

January 27, 2010 - 7:35 pm
Member Since: April 20, 2009
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Thanks for the comforting/supportive words everybody!  This is my family away from home, and it feels good to be amongst pals again. [Image Can Not Be Found]

My surgery finished up around 3AM, and the on duty nurse was forcing me to get out of bed at 9AM the very same morning to get out of bed and start walking (shuffling?) around.  Can somebody say.....EVIL?!? [Image Can Not Be Found]  I had to have that ridiculous leg constricting cuff device on for about 36 straight hours post surgery.  It sounds a bit crazy with everything else going on, but literally that device drove me the most crazy out of everything!  It felt like I was chained to the bed pretty much, and having it constrict my legs every 50 seconds was just not cool, LOL.  I think they use it post surgery all the time now to reduce fatal blood clots from forming in ones legs while one is bed ridden so to speak.

It's true that I was not pregnant while having to go through this, so that is a positive I suppose.  I do have a bit of a beer belly though which gives the same look as being 3 months pregnant, hehehehehe.  I lost 6 pounds because of this, but I still need to lose another 20 pounds to get back to a healthy weight.

Steerpike, I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted right after I grauduated college.  I had to be put under for that as well since one of my wisdom teeth was impacted and required oral surgery.  That certainly wasn't a fun time either!  Still, I'd rate appendix removal as quite a bit more traumatic, heh.  Perhaps that is because the wisdom teeth fiasco was over 10 years ago and painful memories fade with time. 

My mini vacation from work is over now.  I'm back to work this week and of course loving every minute (ha!)

Subtropical Southeastern Michigan
January 27, 2010 - 10:36 pm
Member Since: April 10, 2009
Forum Posts: 3310
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My Mom also had a leg-constricting device after some of her surgeries, and I've heard the same from others. But... why? I mean, why are they necessary when we're only talking about being bedridden for 12-24 hours in some cases? After those hours they tend to get you up and walk you around once or twice a day regardless of how long you're hospitalized. Are these things really necessary?

Life is the misery we endure between disappointments.

In the midst of 10,000 lakes...
January 28, 2010 - 2:29 pm
Member Since: April 9, 2009
Forum Posts: 31
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Welcome back, Lakerz. I think we can say based on your experience that hospitals are no place to take a vacation. 😉 

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