Usually I wouldn’t even consider writing one of these lists because my playing throughput is so spectacularly bad that I’m always — and by some margin — behind the curve with releases. The 2011 wave has been a particularly overwhelming one for me with game after game crashing in and yet, somehow, I’ve managed to stay afloat and play enough — merely enough — of them to warrant chiming in.
Developer Splash Damage Publisher Bethesda Softworks Released May 2011 Available for PC (version played), Xbox 360 & PS3 Time Played 42 hours Verdict: 5/5 Gold star! “Minor gripes aside, Brink is a clever, bold and unfortunately underrated addition to the team-based multiplayer canon. It isn’t for everyone, but for those who can appreciate what Splash Damage were aiming for and what they have achieved, it’s nothing but a breath of fresh air in an overcrowded …
Still on the fence over whether to buy Bethesda and Splash Damage’s team based shooter Brink? If so, there’s no better time to get your SMART on and pay a well overdue visit to The Ark. Starting right now on Steam and for three days only, it will cost you zero of the currency of your choice to see what you think of Brink’s much hyped yet critically and commercially divisive multiplayer action. Like what …
Review by Lewis B Brink Developer Splash Damage Publisher Bethesda Released May 2011 Available for PC (version reviewed) Xbox 360 and PS3 Time Played “Finished” campaign mode and all challenges up to ***. Rank 15 (20+ hours). Verdict:5/5 Gold Star The finest team-shooter since Team Fortress 2. Need I say more?