Looks like the joint publishing venture between THQ and Russian 1C company is about to come to fruition: 4A Games’ Metro 2033, based on a Russian novel series of the same title, is nearing completion and will find its way to Westerm shores (hopefully with that great voice actor narrating) sometime in 2010. Metro 2033 tells the tales of a postapocalyptic Moscow, where citizens hundle in the subterranean Metro system, and hints at a game …
1UP illuminates us this morning with a review of Borderlands, Gearbox’s anticipated open-world shooter whose chief claim to fame is the procedurally generated weaponry that literally allows for something like twelve million firearm variants. I bet you can’t guess what score they gave it.
I know, I know, I am perhaps a little over-enthusiastic about STALKER and its follow-up. Flawed though they were, both games captured atmosphere like essentially no other, and as such I am enthusiastic over the looming release of GSC Game World’s latest Chernobyl-drivern installment, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. According to GSC, the team listened carefully to the complaints about Clear Sky, and have put some degree of effort into correcting them.
Part 2: Turning Dreams into Reality This is the second in the series on literature, gaming and tomorrow.The importance of imagination in game development was discussed and related to literature.More specifically, the relationship was made between science fiction lit.This seemed a natural fit since one of the curious things about our lives on this planet is that virtually every innovation we now take for granted had its birth in literature that was science fiction based.All …
Rock, Paper, Shotgun has an interview with GSC Game World’s Oleg Yavorsky on the upcoming S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, which is due this fall (yeah right). While I know that opinions varied on Clear Sky – a game I now feel I was too hard on – I am a stalwart fan of the series and look forward to this latest installment.
At least yearly I travel to the back of beyond, but in 2009 a costly adventure seems wasteful. Furthermore, a less than smooth month in Uzbekistan moved Russia to the bottom of my visit-someday list. However, thanks to a GoGamer special, I’m visiting the Ukraine for the price of two days airport parking. To be more precise, I’m exploring the area around Prypiat in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. It’s true, radiation and mutants are some …
Intel’s Game On initiative has released a free two-new-mission pack for Ubisoft’s Far Cry 2. Each mission apparently covers a handful of objectives and adds maybe 3-6 hours to the game, depending on how omniscient or incompetent the AI decides to be during your particular play experience.
Review by Steerpike S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky Developer GSC Game World Publisher Deep Silver, Steam Released September 21, 2008 Available for Windows Verdict: 3/5 Middlin’ “In the end, Shadow of Chernobyl stood above its many, many flaws because it was a revolutionary title, a game-changer. Clear Sky, though in many ways a far superior game, does not enjoy the same immunity to its flaws, because it’s supposed to be of the second generation, and the mistakes …
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a daring, worthwhile game that reeks of innovation, delivering on a good portion of its potential. It stands above its many problems, outshines the dark spots, and that makes it something special.