I just remembered. There are 5 graves to Patty's quest and then an additional happening when you report back, so that accounts for 6, or 5 graves plus treasure.
I was surprised when Cyrus turned and ran a couple times and I had to move fast to get behind him. They weren't all that tough as I did a lot of damage with a couple blows. Once Cyrus told me to get out of the way.[Image Can Not Be Found]
I still don't remember a monk and pigs. Probably will come back when I play today. I have saves for all the graves. Good luck with the Ogre. I have been doing some jumping over some minor enemies I don't feel like fighting. I can jump pretty far now.
Edit: the pig farmer must be the one between the swamp and the city. The grave was on a ledge above it. I am now seeing lizardmen and ghouls on the paths. Got the second ring near the Gyrger.
I am in the eastern temple now. I fell through a trap door and when I found the way out, it was that same gate that blocked my way in the miserable bog. I followed a miner out or I would never have found my way back to the temple.

I finished the eastern temple. It was fun but there is a bugged door right near the end. I finally got through, turned in the 5 discs to the Inquistitor and got some new armor and a promotion. I have to get some rings yet. There wasn't an ogre at the SE ruins, just some skeletons. Heading for the west coast now. I am an axe 4, ST 68 and level 15.
I have all the vassal rings now--just need to return to Leon. Also need to find someone who knows about the lizard swords.


I allllmost finished the Eastern Temple but the quest didn't complete. Opened 3 (4?) sarcophagi behind the spikes, left with a nautilus spell & ended back out by a golden statue. Uh-oh, gotta reload behind the spikes, must be something else back there.
Finished Patty, got the rings, not sure if all disks. It was an ugly gorilla-thing, he was grazing in a field, we snuck by him but it wasn't the entrance to the ruined castle so we snuck back again. Near the end of chapter 2, right?
All this while…ever since exiting the cave with the treasure that I wasn't going to give Romanov….I've had Fred! I adore him. [Image Can Not Be Found] Top off his health with a heal scroll, don't want to resummon another one cuz *this one* is the real & only true Fred. [Image Can Not Be Found]
The difference between your & my abilities: I'm axe 9, ST 80, doing 96 dam w/ blunt (which I found much more effective than blade). Shows what I need to survive same content you're doing. No mana (40), no crystal powers, no health, no DEX, no ranged. But I have Fred to keep me warm.
Just reread your earlier post - I too followed Olaf from the gate back to the front of the temple. That swamp, at night, pitch dark = no way could I find it myself.

Yes, you have to go further in the eastern temple. I had trouble finding it. When you get to the difficult cupboard, you are near the bugged door. Hope it doesn't teleport you. Even the door at Oscar's was doing it. You can stop the spikes with a ring.
I have to get a Fred and take him to the bar for a beer. [Image Can Not Be Found] I hate the wolves. They are so fast and always jumping around.
We are very close to the end of chapter 2. The Inqustitor is waiting at the door of the volcano with troops, but i have a few things to do first.
You may need a ranged weapon at some time. Either crystal or a crossbow. The bullet crystal is pretty good even at the default level. [Image Can Not Be Found]




I find myself playing at 2AM wondering where the time went. It is more fun than I have had in a long time. I just finished a couple small quests in Harbor Town and have nothing left in my quest log, so I guess it is time to report to the Inquisitor. I am at level 5 axe and have the 70 D blade. I am waiting till later to spend learning points on alchemy. I have a bunch of Hero's Crowns and Ogre somethings for permanent potions.


I hate underground where it's dark. And Fred can't come, no magic allowed (so it says). [Image Can Not Be Found]
Opening the Big Door (not the drawbridge) seemed buggy. Spoilers ahead. I did the wench beyond the spikes & trap door, went back to the Inquisitor & he said to help someone he'd sent South.
Went South (at least I thought it was south), bypassed scorpion & crossbolted to death lizardmen who were across a gap in a second story ruin. Scorpion found me so killed it & saw the lizardmen had respawned. Since I'm terrible at levitation & figured I couldn't get across to the lizardmen, decided to go back (yet again) to the Inquisitor who was still spinning his column. Ran up another corridor but it was the one to outside.
So....back to the main room & notice??? the gate to the lava area is open? Who opened it cuz I sure didn't. Aren't we supposed to go fiddle with more wenches? Levitated over for a min-drawbridge. Soon thereafter I was so shocked to see a miner that I hit him by mistake (I was in combat mode).
Then I quit for the night cuz this place is a major pain. Guess this is what's meant by the not fun Chapters 3 & 4. Any pointers assuming you're ahead of me? Spoilers welcome.


I'm behind you. I went N and then fell through the trap door about five times because I couldn't figure where to jump.
Then I got across and got killed by lizardmen. It seems to be getting tougher. Maybe I'd better find out about the gate bug before I go further. [Image Can Not Be Found] Someone should fix the doors in this game.
I do believe it is okay to use Fred.

Scout, I think you are going to like this game. It is like Gothic, little character building at the beginning, but you have three choices as to who you are allied with, the Don and bandits or the Order, either Warrior or Mage. I chose warrior so I am putting points into strength or weapon with a bit of sneak or pickpocketing. I will pick up alchemy later.
I thought I edited my last post, but I see what I wrote last night is missing. I had a really hard time with the lizard warriors, but got the two winches working and got to the drawbridge. Looking for a map now. I may have a problem since I have only one levitation spell and one nautilus. I used three levitation spells at the ruin to defeat the lizardmen. Is there anyplace I can get more spells? I went back to the monastery but Illuminar won't talk to me. I did go back to the swamp after I opened the big door and got the big axe and more strength.

Reading the manual now. It does seem a lot like Gothic 2. I will probably go my usual route, sword and some theivery. I think our action-rpg playing styles are a lot alike, Pokey. I had this trick in Gothic 2 for killing mobs of Orcs: Run past them, get them chasing me, run until they were strung out in a line behind me, pause, turn and swing my sword, turn and run. Their forward momentum seemed to add to the damage and it only took a couple of pauses to kill one. I could take down half a dozen in a few minutes without a scratch. It also helped that I could outrun everything in the game.
Anyway, I'm off to start. I'll check back in later.

Running doesn't work quite as well in this game. The pursuers stay close behind, even getting in a few swats. Still, it is useful. I don't remember, but could you drink a potion while running? I appreciate that you can in Risen because I remember games where you had to stop to drink and would get attacked. Everyone can use magic with scrolls and crystal magic, which you get at the monastery. Mages can use another kind.
I may have to go back to a save before I opened the big door so I can get some more scrolls. I'm afraid that I will need them later and have no access.

I can't seem to get the SAVE game command to work. I click on SAVE and get a screen with an autosave and don't see any option to make a manual save. I must be missing something. I checked in my save game file for Risen and all there is is this one auto save. Don't really want to make much progress if I can't go back a few saves. Will keep looking around.
Otherwise, so far so good. I made it to the abandoned house easily enough with my little club.
EDIT: Nevermind. I was clicking in the text bar expecting a cursor. I just started typing and got my manual save....Off to hang some storm windows...in my RL house.


Scout, best advice I can give is don't get caught by the Order. Doing so automatically makes you a member & you'll be stuck in the monastery for a bit. And I'm sure certain Bandit quests will no longer be available. Much better to visit the Swamp & Harbour City, do all the quests you can, thus leveling more, before making a decision.
Here is my quick&dirty difference between factions:
Bandits can train swords & pickpocket to max, must buy spells.
Order cannot max swords & pp, can make spells, have crystal magic (which neither Pokey & I are using).
Mage cannot max swords & pp, can cast infinite spells using runes, have crystal magic (?).
Pokey, please correct above if wrong. Don't know about blacksmithing or hunting.
Edit: to clarify, anything not listed – all factions do the same.
And Pokey, you might be screwed. [Image Can Not Be Found] You need parchment, right? You make your own spells, right? I don't think anyone but Illuminar sells parchment. I too must go back & create some extra levitations. Do you have any advice on how to fly? I keep sloooowly drifting to the ground from the moment I launch into space. Makes crossing a wide divide nearly impossible. I equip acrobat +1 ring, is DEX also an issue?
Want a spoiler? Reading about Great Gate issues, I learned something I wasn't doing. To report findings for Eldric we need to read columns.
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