I didn't know you were playing too, Helmut. Havin' fun yet? I'm playing my modded F3. Currently wandering around in DC entering many, many shops, townhouses and apartments. Courtesy of the DC Interiors mod. I also have several quest-type mods installed, one of which I've finished. I also have a couple of new places to trade, and a new Vault to visit on the agenda. Fun. Fun.
Helmut, have you decided whom to side with? Just what all did you do in Fort Independence, huh, huh?
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
@ Helmut - hello fellow Wanderer!
@ Spike - I had a look in the wiki, and it wasn't very re-assuring... I like my weapons to have bucketloads of ammo, so may ditch the alien blaster for the next best weapon I find, provided it has conventional and common ammo. I'm so jealous that you can go in and raid the houses!
Do you ever get another place to live, aside from your abode in Megaton? Another home in another town would be cool... mine current one is getting crowded! I've been lining up various helmets I've found on shelves, along with unique weapons etc.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan
You can line up helmets on a shelf in your apartment? That's awesome– I had no idea. Is that a feature of a mod or is it vanilla?
This thread has allowed me to live vicariously through all of your folks' wasteland adventures instead of starting another of my own. I swore in January '09 that I would finish a few more games in my "to do" pile and then head back to Fallout 3. Hasn't yet happened.
(Does anyone know if all the expansions are still full-priced on XBL marketplace? I never got any of them.)
If being wrong's a crime I'm serving forever
Actually, I'm not playing any of the expansions, I'm just wandering around finding all the sites from the original game. I finished the main quest, restored from a bit before that and went wandering with Fawkes. I didn't realize on the navigation compass that the hollow arrows are sites yet to be discovered, so I'm launching into a remote area and cleaning up the sites I missed just wandering. I'm up against the 20 level cap of the original and spend most of my time luring enemies to and cowering behind Fawkes. I still haven't found the GNR radio station which I'd like to do before I pack it in. I seem to have missed a bunch of the quests (as usual) and failed to really engage in the game (as usual). I missed some in the middle where I was supposed to get a tip to follow my father for money or something but didn't have enough, and the dialog option never came up again when I did, so I just jumped ahead.
I have this sense of longing wandering around the game, like I'm looking to find something to escape the bleakness, but I never do find anything. It's almost like meditation, wandering around the wasteland poking into everything; very compelling. I never feel the urge to quicksave and I hardly die so it's a steady state existence. I guess the expansions are where all the extras are. I thought it would have been neat in the Bethesda offices to find a computer terminal where someone was working on Fallout 5.
My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude
I used the Blaster for those desert devil claw thingies only. It was just too satisfying to fry one to cinders with a couple of blasts. The blaster is overkill for almost everything else though.
I tried the first expansion that came out but I guess my Fallout 3 limit had been reached as I never really could get into it. I bet I have another 40 hours of gaming left just in the original and the first expansion alone.
Helmut said:
I have this sense of longing wandering around the game, like I'm looking to find something to escape the bleakness, but I never do find anything. It's almost like meditation, wandering around the wasteland poking into everything; very compelling. I never feel the urge to quicksave and I hardly die so it's a steady state existence. I guess the expansions are where all the extras are. I thought it would have been neat in the Bethesda offices to find a computer terminal where someone was working on Fallout 5.
Have you been to Oasis?
The add-ons, either DLC or hard copy, break any tedium with new locations, quests, etc. The mods even more so, as you can choose mods that fit your interests, playing style, wish list, etc.
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
@ Helmut - I vaguely remember the proprietor of the tavern in Megaton offering to help you find your father for a lot of caps (which I didn't have, either), so I broke into his terminal and found the info out for myself anyways. I agree that everywhere does seem pretty bleak, and it would be good to have a lot more variety in scenery (I feel spoilt by the uniqueness of the major cities from Morrowind).
@ xtal - I'm very vanilla (PS3 version), just lining up helmets (Helmuts?) by picking them up and placing them on a shelf. Then I have to grab another part of them and tilt them around until I get them looking in the same direction. It's a labour of love, and I do it like a hunter mounts the heads of his kills on a wall.
@ Scout - those claw things (Deathclaws?) are bloody tough as nails, they scare me. One silently came up to me as I turned a corner in the mobile command centre in Adams Airforce Base, and freaked, pressing everything at once on my controller. Fortunately it was friendly, and I didn't shoot it as a knee-jerk-response.
I didn't get much done last night - I rescued two kids from Germantown Police Station, and taught them all to shoot (although they only talked to me 'normally' after that, so I don't know if I was to do something else while they fired all of the ammo off practicing). I decided I wanted a decent gun that didn't have ultra-rare ammo, and found the Lincoln Repeater in the wiki. I tracked it down, and despatched many a ghoul to get it.
Another gun of interest is apparently on the Mothership in one of the expansions (but aside from that I can't remember where). I trundled off to the crashed alien ship, and was subsequently sucked up and probed (sounds like a pr0n script). I was locked in a cell with a new friend when I called it quits last night. What little I've seen of the Mothership looks good, and the visual break from the rest of Fallout 3 is most welcome.
As a side note, I'm restricting myself to carrying at most five firearms at a time (one for each occasion) - otherwise I could easily walk around with a dozen or so (one for each ammo type - initially in case I ran out of ammo of the gun I was using, then I could swap to another... but now I have a bazillion rounds of everything, I feel pretty comfortable easing off).
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan
I feel might! I've made it to level 30, and taken the 'Almost Perfect' perk.
Man, the alien mothership is pretty huge - took a while to get through. One of the teleporters was bugged, so I had to reload several times to get it to work (after exhausting all other options, like shooting innocent aliens, walls, myself, anything etc).
Finally destroyed the other ship, and teleported down. Don't know what happened to the samurai - hope I get to see him again
Then I went in search of the Outcasts, hoping for some cool adventures - little did I know this was the Operation Anchorage quests! I don't know about y'all, but I'm not a fan of the VR quests. I don't really know why, but they seem too far removed from the game for my enjoyment. Like dream sequences in movies - unless they're informative, I think they're pretty pointless. Your hero struggles, but without rewards and what-not, it seems hollow. Worse, upon waking, heroic actions seem trivialised.
So, I kinda enjoyed Anchorage, and kinda didn't - I just wanted to power through it as fast as I could. Which I did. And I was rewarded with an awesome Chinese Stealth Suit. I don't care about the low armour value - it has a stealth shield on it! I will be invincible!
Now I'm not too sure what I will do with myself - I will either check out the remaining two/three quests I have left, or go in search of all of the bobble-heads (which I'll need a wiki for). I think both choices will be fun (I enjoy the narrative of most quests, but will also enjoy stat increases), I'm just not sure what I want to do first.
Decisions, decisions.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan
I bit the bullet and started Point Lookout (I didn't know at the time, I just wanted to inspect the River Boat).
I feel like I'm in a 'hills have eyes' movie or something - very creepy place. I've saved the ghoul in the mansion, found a chinese spy, and taken some fruity drugs.
The walk back after you take the drugs was amazingly interesting - smault-tec bobble-heads, the etheral bone saw, the nuka-colas that explode to baby laughs, the corpse on the operating chair labelled 'Mom', the floating corpses of the people you know, the guy who wants you to detonate the bomb, and Megaton's bomb itself - really well done, I must say. I've been playing long enough that all of these things had an emotional affect. Definitely a high point narrative-wise in the game.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan
Well, you did it Jarrod. I got sucked back into this game after a year and a half absence.
I am finishing up the Pitt quest having gone in a way I didn't expect to. Guess I'll go back to the Oasis and finally deal with Harold the tree and then looking into the other add-on pack, Operation: Anchorage. I'll be glad to get out of the Pitt where my character has been languishing in the Steelyard for the last 18 months.
Helmut, are you playing on pc? If so, when I return to FO3 my first mod will be GreenWorld. Whether I activate it immediately or not I can't tell as like Scout it's been 18 mos. since my last save. Must re-feel the lay of the land first.
Over the years I've realized that I'm not happy playing in bleak, and can manage only briefly underground. Underground + dark&twisty is the worst. I need sunlight & trees. And butterflies. [Image Can Not Be Found]
(but noooo cliffracers)
I am, but only dabbling a little bit. I finally found GNR, and it tidied things up a bit. I lost the trail earlier with a quest bug and skipped over it, but three Dog's quests are essential for getting up the Washinton Monument. Not being able to get up there was bothering me. Are these expansions fun?
My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude
The Pitt was okay but I am glad to be back in the wasteland, which is happy-land in comparision. I finished the Oasis by stopping Harold's growth and leaving. The only quest I have is the Outkast one so I'm in back in DC in the thick of it. It's been so long I forgot where the Anchorage add on is located or if I'm already starting it or what. Will have to go and so some research to refresh my memory.
Scout said:
It's been so long I forgot where the Anchorage add on is located or if I'm already starting it or what. Will have to go and so some research to refresh my memory.
I can't get at my map now, but if I remember correctly you can get started on Anchorage from a new marked location on your map, somewhat south, and I think a bit west, of Megaton, or maybe just south. Just look at your new map markers.
I really liked the Steelyard eventhough it was dark even on the brightest day. I loved climbing/walking over the roofs and finding all the hidden corners.
I didn't like the subject matter of The Pitt, but I liked that add-on much more than Anchorage. I liked the urban-ness. Anchorage was too linear, for a start. I'll say no more for the benefit of those yet to play it.
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
Welcome back to FO3 Scout [Image Can Not Be Found] I haven't had a chance to play any further yet, so still at Point Look Out, and I think I'll do the Pitt next, before searching for all of the bobble-heads. Damn, I forgot to check whether I still kept the Schmault-Tec bobble-heads from that awesome vision.
I only did Anchorage a little while ago - you have to inspect a transmission or something, and I had to crawl through a subway line to get there, in DC. Then, of course, I could fast-travel there. Upon emerging, a group of Outcast ask you to help them to fight some Muties, and then lead you to their base.
And like Spike says, just make it your active quest on your Pip-Boy, then look at the World Map to see where you need to go. And the local map is invaluable if you're already roughly in the area!
@ Helmut - that's rhetorical, right?
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan
Jarrod said:
I only did Anchorage a little while ago - you have to inspect a transmission or something, and I had to crawl through a subway line to get there, in DC. Then, of course, I could fast-travel there. Upon emerging, a group of Outcast ask you to help them to fight some Muties, and then lead you to their base.
Ah. Thanks. That's the one I'm on. I just emerged from the subway and met the Outcasts mixing it up with the mutants. I never thought I would miss the Mutants but after the Pitt, they are like....butterfies. [Image Can Not Be Found]
It's just hard (if you haven't been following all that closely) to determine where the main quest ends and all the DLC begins. I take it the addons are a worthy addition to an already fun game? Shhh (funner than Fallout 2 that's for sure)
My Dark Souls single player sensibilities are protected by a +10 GfWL Firewall of Ineptitude
Helmut said:
It's just hard (if you haven't been following all that closely) to determine where the main quest ends and all the DLC begins. I take it the addons are a worthy addition to an already fun game? Shhh (funner than Fallout 2 that's for sure)
I didn't install the add-ons until I was close to finishing the main game, but had I installed them earlier I'd have found that the transition from the base game to Broken Steel in particular would have been seemless. The others close to that as well. The nice thing is that once you've installed all the add-ons you can play them in any order, or move back and forth between them and the base game. If I got bored at Point Lookout, and I did, I could go back and do something in Pitt, or wander the Wasteland for a bit.
I'm leaning toward buying New Vegas as soon as it is released, but I know that if I just wait 6 months or so there will be add-ons and I could install the whole thing at the same time. I don't know if I'll have enough will power to wait. A GOTY edition will also save $$. We'll see.
I loved Broken Steel the best. Pitt second. Lookout third. Zeta fourth. Anchorage dead last. Simulations…blah.
@Scout: have you yet met any Super Mutant Behemoths or Overlords? SO much more fun than the garden variety Mutant.
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
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