Jarrod said:
However the sentry 'bots were a bit harder.
Pulse grenades are your friends when it comes to foes of the metalic type.
I didn't kill the tree. It seemed like such an awful thing to do in a place (the Wasteland in general) where there were so few trees. I chose the middle option - can't remember the details - not killing, not leaving him as he was.
I handled the Crowley/Tenpenny quest just as you did. I hated Tenpenny Tower and would never want to live in such a place. The minute I stepped through the door and heard that awful music I wanted to blow the place up.
Have you been to The Republic of Dave yet? I had a major glitch happening up there and never could finish a quest. But I did get what I went for anyway.
P.S. Look at Jarrod using "East Jesus"! Enjoy.
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

Yep, went to the Republic of Dave, which seemed to play ok for me. It was a dinky little place where they were holding elections. I was trying to get someone other than Dave elected, but think I've failed. I didn't hang around there to see who won the elections, instead opting to head to Fort Constantine.
I've been through Fort Constantine, and it looks like a nuclear bomb silo (Tap in the future??). Definitely not giving the keys to Crowley now, not that I think I can. I found some heavy duty armour, and a heavy duty helmet, which I'm now wearing. Huge armour rating, and text came onscreen to say that I'd completed Crowley's quest. I'll head back to him now and see if he has anything to say for himself. WIth a little luck, he'll attack me, so that I can pop 'im and get a finger in the process.
Now that you mention it Spike, Tenpenny tower was creepy. I didn't really think about it at the time, I just thought that most of the people there were jerks, although I convinced a few to not hate ghouls so much.
Oh, and I made lvl 17 last night too. Now to head back to Crowley, then on to Reily's (overdue, I'm sure) quest chain.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

Nope, I'm putting all of my nuka cola in my vending machine! I don't really know why I'm doing that, I guess I just want to keep if full in case guests come around.
I went back to Crowley, and tried to talk to him. He was uncommunicative, saying I'd stolen what was rightfully his. So I hid a live grenade in his pants as a reward... my first "exploded pants" to date. And nobody attacked me afterwards, which was a bonus. He had a finger, so it's confirmed he was a baddie.
After about 2,000 subjective miles of subway wandering, I finally arrived at Reily's ammo stash area. I've seen there are a couple of super muties about, but didn't get a chance to explore on my last play.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan
Ok, I got a proverbial shit-load done on the weekend, which is great, considering I was out and about all day Saturday.
I rescued all of the remaining Rangers, having done most of the heavy lifting getting to them, it was a piece of cake marching them out of the building they were holed-up in (if that's the right phrase, considering they were on top of the building).
Then I decided to continue along on the main-quest chain for a while. I was looking for an entrance to Vault 87 to pick up a G.E.C.K., which I thought would be pretty straight forward. Silly me. On my wanderings to Little Lamplight, I came across a Talon Merc fort, which was a huge distraction, but good fun providing some much needed action. I cleared the area, and killed their commander. Hopes that he was the big commander, and that his death would mean no more Mercs appearing from nowhere, were dashed quickly as I travelled about and was attacked by spawning Mercs re-newed.
I then made it to Little Lamplight, thinking it would be straight forward to get to Vault 87 from here. Wrong again - I needed to rescue some children from Paradise Falls. No problem, another town to barter and trade and explore? Deal. I travelled to Paradise Falls, and despite circling the whole bloody encampment for like 15 minutes, I found its entrance. At said entrance, I was accosted by a guard, and learned that the whole village was a bunch of slaving scum. I let my plasma rifle do the talking. I wiped them out, all of them.
I was a little sad at possibly missing some quests, but then again I probably would have felt icky capturing slaves or whatever anyway. Some good exp mowing down all of those turds. I rescued the kids, then headed back to Little Lamplight.
The kids there thought I was pretty ok after that (mostly) and I continued on to Vault 87. Met a lovely chap Super Mutie there, Hawkes, who I freed and who in return, helped me get the G.E.C.K. He warned me that on his release, many other test subjects would then be set free. I did the smart thing and killed them all off first, so that I wouldn't be swarmed. This worked a treat, except for some crazy human who was 'green' when I released him, but turned 'red' after I released Hawkes. Ungrateful bugger.
On the way out of that complex, I was captured by the Enclave. When I was helped by the President, I had suspicions about his nature (which proved correct, happily), and I slaughtered the Enclave, amassing about a billion fingers to trade in to the Regulators. Caught up with the Pres, who I convinced to both not introduce the FEV into the water stream, and also to kill himself upon my departure (which seemed terribly easy - one simple line of questioning should not a suicide make, at least as far as I'm concerned). I've just opened the door to depart, when I logged out of the game.
Killing all those people had lead to a massive growth spurt, and I'm now level 21 (and I took the Explorer perk, so I'm set to cruise around Capital Wasteland when the main series is done).
It felt as though I did a lot more, and I'm sure there are many little things I've missed - but lunch breaks at work are only so long, and I have other posts here to read!
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

Fantastic progress, Jarrod. I handled Paradise Falls the same way you did, but I had to wait some weeks to do so. I got there before I was very tough. Didn't have great weapons or armor. This being my 1st RPG, I didn't have the confidence that I would be able to wipe out all the PF slavers without losing my life in the process. Lock N' Load was a nice surprise, wasn't it?
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
Hrmm... I'm trying to think what surprise you're talking about... was it the Speech +10 Bobble head? I know I got one in there somewhere, but as I had just maxed out my speech, I was less than impressed, hehehe.
Ok, well I finished the main series of quests, and was frustrated and confused. Not because of the story etc, which was fantastic.
It was fun walking along with Liberty Prime, getting rid of all of those pesky Enclave. Originally I let the bad guy go... that general in the trench coat. I gave him a second chance, as I'm general a nice guy (or something). I also volunteered to go in myself and activate the purifier. I didn't put int he FEV virus, as I just wanted to distribute clean water to everyone.
And I died. Nice cut scene. Then the game was over. What‽
How can I play the expansions? I just got dumped back at the title screen. So then I went back to my previous save, and made Lyons go in there and sacrifice herself to see if it would be different. She gave me grief, making me feel like a real jerk, and also used my FEV virus.
Another endscene, this time with water flowing everywhere. And two weeks later I woke up in the Citadel.
So, do I finish the game as a hero, or keep playing as a jerk who's killed Lyons and poisoned almost everyone? Shitty choices if you ask me. After work today I'm going to see if I can finish the main series as I want to finish it, and keep playing afterwards. Myabe my Game of the Year version didn't kick in the expansions properly or something, but I'm going to figure it out.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

The expansions will kick in shortly after you wake up from your coma. Then talk to everybody around you, then talk again. You will get some new quests including a couple that will be lucrative. But you've got to talk and talk and ask every question you can. Keep asking if you can be of further help. Aw, go on, be the hero. The Brotherhood will love ya for it!
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
Huzzah! I finished that quest the way I wanted. I gave the FEV virus to Elder Lyons, did the whole Liberty Prime walk, and sacrificed myself.
I finally got the cinematic with all of the clean water in it, and eventually woke up. And that's all I had time for. Oh, and they let me join the Brotherhood - yay! Hopefully all of the bodies and loot that mark the path of Liberty Prime are still about, so that I can become mega-rich.
Now, on to the expansions and more questing!
(and did no-one notice my interrobang symbol in my previous post? Too subtle?)
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

Jarrod said:
Now, on to the expansions and more questing!
(and did no-one notice my interrobang symbol in my previous post? Too subtle?)
I bet you're gonna really have fun now, Jarrod. Just wait until you find a new Metro, and an Air Force Base. That was so much fun – and none too easy.
Where did you get the interrobang? My Mac keyboard has all the usual lower and upper case letters & symbols, but if you hold down the Alt. key you get a whole set of new symbols for the keys. And yet, I have no interrobang. And I am so jealous!
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
Ah... I'm too lazy to try and find an interrobang on a keyboard - I'd be surprised if it was there. I did a search and found that one online, and just to make sure it was compatible, I copied it into notepad. Then I re-copied it across to post above. Completely de-mystifies me, doesn't it? [Image Can Not Be Found]
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

Jarrod said:
Completely de-mystifies me, doesn't it? [Image Can Not Be Found]
No, not really. But if we all start using the interrobang it might just catch on. At the very least we will mystify others. [Image Can Not Be Found]
Off to play my newly remodded F3. I love this game.
Liberty Prime: [Image Can Not Be Found]
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
Ok, just discovered what happened to poor Opti... er Liberty. You can still talk to him though, how bizaar! It was pretty sad, but I'm hopeful someone will repair him.
Cleared that area and levelled (took the Cyborg perk to make me even more tougher!). There's too much loot these days! I'm restricted to carrying about a dozen of the most expensive plasma and laser rifles back to hock in for bottlecaps! And vendors seem to be running a bit low on them at the moment too. Good thing I'm filthy rich (in the game, at least), so I'm not crying too much at the 57 bazillion power armour suits I'm leaving lying around. I've got the Brotherhood companion with me at the moment (Cross or something?). She's ok... I just gave her a gatling laser and around 2,000 rounds to keep her out of mischief.
I'm just about to undertake Tristan's next mission. I think I'll hand in the 70 or so fingers I have first, and go and download my new locations with Reily's Rangers. That should get me some more ka-ching.
Moving forward (or levelling up) I'm not sure what other Perks hold much more interest. I'll have to see if I can still get that stat raising perk - I read somewhere that Luck increases your chance to critically hit (amongst other things), so I may end up raising my Luck up the wa-zoo. We'll see. Oh, and what I'd kill for someone who can repair my equipment to 100%! Would be a nice change to walk around in stuff that wasn't always half broken.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

Jarrod said:
Ok, just discovered what happened to poor Opti... er Liberty. You can still talk to him though, how bizaar! It was pretty sad, but I'm hopeful someone will repair him.
Cleared that area and levelled (took the Cyborg perk to make me even more tougher!). There's too much loot these days! I'm restricted to carrying about a dozen of the most expensive plasma and laser rifles back to hock in for bottlecaps! And vendors seem to be running a bit low on them at the moment too. Good thing I'm filthy rich (in the game, at least), so I'm not crying too much at the 57 bazillion power armour suits I'm leaving lying around. I've got the Brotherhood companion with me at the moment (Cross or something?). She's ok... I just gave her a gatling laser and around 2,000 rounds to keep her out of mischief.
I'm just about to undertake Tristan's next mission. I think I'll hand in the 70 or so fingers I have first, and go and download my new locations with Reily's Rangers. That should get me some more ka-ching.
Moving forward (or levelling up) I'm not sure what other Perks hold much more interest. I'll have to see if I can still get that stat raising perk - I read somewhere that Luck increases your chance to critically hit (amongst other things), so I may end up raising my Luck up the wa-zoo. We'll see. Oh, and what I'd kill for someone who can repair my equipment to 100%! Would be a nice change to walk around in stuff that wasn't always half broken.
Did you also get the camera/sensor module "quest" from Rothchild? Good for some more caps. I now have 370,000+ caps. In the beginning I had nothing, of course. No caps, not much to sell, and a great need for ammo and aids. So I started taking everything that wasn't nailed down to trade for what I needed. As the game went on I got more and more loot from people and locations, so I didn't need to use caps so much, so they just started to add up.
Repairing: I settled on Brotherhood/Outcast/Power armor as my favorites since they gave me 300lbs. carry weight. Did you notice that the helmets deteriorate faster than the armor? I started searching out random encounters with the Outcast just to get their armor. I also buy every piece of any kind of power armor the traders have. I can repair my own stuff to 100%, especially with a jump suit or other apparel that gives me +10% repair.
Traders: did you ever invest with them via the mayor (forget his name) in Canterbury? That will give them a better inventory, more caps, and better repair skills than if you don't invest. I invested with all of them except Hoff. Lucky, Wolfgang and Crow will routinely have 1000+ caps after investment.
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
I didn't get that quest, Spike, I'll have to keep an eye out for a camera and a sensor module and bring them back with me in case I can back-track the quest.
Thanks for the tip about repairing – something I hadn't bothered with before. Rather than carrying 6 laser rifles, I can repair them into one or two, and minimise the weight load etc. Great! Now I have laser rifles worth about 800 caps to trade, instead of 200 or 300… how good!
I haven't invested in traders that I know of (or the Mayor of Caterbury), simply because I haven't had much to do with them. I'll look into this. And you have waaay too much caps!
Things are going ok – I've just made it to Adams Airfoce Base and found an Alien Blaster (damn, now I have to increase my Small Arms skill). Oh, and I have a whopping big Tesla Canon, which has opened a massive can o' whoop ass.
Incidentally, I see there's a Perk at level 30 that raises all of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes up to 9 – so I won't be increasing any more attributes until I get that Perk!
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

Isn't Adams a terrific place? The train was great. And if you haven't finished up there yet, there's another ride in store for you. As you are gathering the tons of goodies to be had there, make sure you move them to a safe location to await passage back to your home (Megaton or Tenpenny). You don't want the stuff you carefully collected to be caught up in a huge explosion. Later, when you have some leisure time, walk to the end of the runway. More goodies.
Broken Steel was my favorite of the add-ons.
The Rothchild quest is repeatable. A good way to earn caps. Tristan (Brotherhood of Steel, wears no helmet, has green irridescent stuff on his shoulders, hangs around A-Ring of the Citadel) will give you another lucrative ongoing quest.
Keep having fun.
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."
Thanks Spike - dropped the hammer on their mobile platform that would put a Jawa crawler to shame. Then spent a bit of time selling gear. Do you know where I can get more ammo for that Alien gun? It's pretty good, yet sometimes it makes the corpses hard to find as ash piles.
Also, forgot that I was going to help a kid go to Big Town - I've escorted him and just left Big Town in search of the Super Muties that stole the others.
Pity the Muties, they know not the wrath of the Alien Blaster.
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. – The Teachings of Don Juan

The Alien Blaster, and I think one like it with a different name, as well as the ammo for them is hard to come by. I found the first batch (gun+ammo) at the alien crash site. I picked up a couple more in various places. Once I was wandering up northwest. Saw Enclave and Outcasts fighting, so went in to get me some armor. After they were all dead I heard an odd noise – not quite like the Vertibird, not like a plane. Then a bunch of Alien Power Cells fell from the sky. I looked up but couldn't see any craft/vehicle. Then the noise was gone. In later trips through the wasteland I came upon some more Cells, but never too many. Some of the oddball traders had a few. Read what the F3 Wiki says:
"…you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake."

I'm playing along slowly (having finished the main quest but just wandering through the map) and I found some in Fort Independence as the Wiki says. I also found the Miss launcher, a more aptly named weapon I have yet to discover since I was unable to hit anything with it before I fanally used it to repair a found missle launcher.
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