Now you’re thinking with portals … proverbs, and a light show.
If you like reading excerpts then this may not be the review for you, because after you click the ‘Read More’ button there are no more excerpts in this article. I know, right? “Just one excerpt?! What was he thinking?” Who the bloody hell knows?
Retro City Rampage is the Meet the Spartans of video games.
Our own Mat C reviewed Alan Wake in 2010, producing a definitive, thoughtful piece of work. I agree with basically everything he said and the way he said it, so I don’t mean to just regurgitate. Mat took care of a lot of the heavy lifting for me by doing the Reviewer’s Job; my intent is to look with the space of years, a platform change, and perspective between the game’s 2005 announcement, its 2010 self, and its now self. Alan Wake is an exceptional effort that could have been even better. Yet to reject it as just a missed opportunity is unfair. There’s more to it than what we got, but what we got is still a superb game.
And I made a video! You gotta watch my video. Click the button! CLICK IT!
There are a few games that I break out semi-regularly. I don’t have a schedule or anything, it’s just that sometimes when I’m in a certain mood, or when the weather is behaving a certain way, or what have you, certain games will call to me. One example is Defense Grid: The Awakening. If you find me playing it, chances are I’m sick or depressed. These states happen pretty often with me so I play a lot of Defense Grid, and for years I’ve been meaning to come back and write something more about it, something more than what I wrote in the review linked above, because that review just isn’t right. It isn’t right at all.
Once I got into Cognition: Episode 1, I liked it a lot. But it took a while for me to warm up to it. What it feels like to me is that the opening sequence was created as a demo, but turned out not to fit the final game it was attached to. … The game really does hit its stride at the midpoint, though. If future episodes take after the second half of the game more, this is a series to watch.
It’s possible that when the PS3 was new this would’ve been awesome. In 2012 for a first-time player, it is less awesome … . So let me tell you exactly what I didn’t like about Uncharted. And the few things that I did.
…a well-executed blend between old and new sensibilities. … Adventure game fans should definitely play this. If this was your first adventure game, you probably wouldn’t be disappointed, either.
After a rush on Black Friday, I am now the proud owner of a PlayStation 3 console. That allows me to pick up on some games that I have missed (more on that later). But it also allows me to watch Blu-ray movies, such as the Red Vs. Blue full series Blu-rays that I was itching to dig into, but unable to previously view.
Even though I got these at the start of the month, I’m actually a little glad I was able to watch them simultaneously with playing Halo 4. (And more on that, later, as well.) Halo 4 actually turns out to contain a surprising amount of Red Vs. Blue inspired throwbacks. And Red Vs. Blue slowly develops, over the course of the series, away from being a pure farce and more into being an actual wing of the Halo franchise. It’s an interesting symbiosis.
Below, some spoilers for Red Vs. Blue, all seasons. Very minor first-hour spoilers for Halo 4.
Happy Halloween, Tappers. How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? All’s peachy here so far, so I managed to sneak out today to see the movie based on one of my favorite video games of all time. That’s right: Silent Hill 3 was made into a movie, which is technically Silent Hill 2, but the movie is based on 3, and not 2. Got that? I am going to review that film, which is called Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (but which I did not see in 3D) below the jump, in a manner that contains lots of bulleted lists, and lots of spoilers! But don’t worry too much: if you know the story of Silent Hill 3, you already know the story of Silent Hill: Revelation.
FTL: Faster Than Light is a roguelike(-like) that puts you in command of your own ship and crew on a desperate mission to save the Federation – as long as you can survive countless hostile ships, assorted space adventures, and the capricious randomness that seems to decide your fate at every turn.
… I’m giving The Walking Dead a high recommendation. I’m doing this for the story alone, and, if I said any more than I have, I’d be spoiling the experience. I admire a game with the guts to force me to make bad decisions. … If you want to take actions in a game that will really make you hate yourself, believe the buzz and try out The Walking Dead.
Yes, Fall of Cybertron is a licensed third-person action game, but it is an example of what such titles should be. This is a game that knows its subject matter but doesn’t let that restrict it: a game that keeps even its most ambitious promises and delivers an extremely satisfying experience, whether or not you have any particular affection for its IP. When you get down to it, that’s more than can be said for most games out there.
Whatever you thought about Batman: Arkham City, it’s pretty hard to deny that it’s a damn fine game with a damn fine world to live in. I mean, Gotham is not exactly a new thing, but there’s a Right Way to do Gotham and a Wrong Way, and developer Rocksteady’s pretty much been nothing but Right Way so far.
So I jumped on the new DLC pack Harley Quinn’s Revenge as quickly as I could. Unlike most of the game’s previous DLC, which consisted of challenge maps, alternate costumes, and new playable characters like Nightwing, Revenge is a chunk of proper gameplay, an all-new 2-hourish installment in the Arkham story. It’s an epilogue to Arkham City‘s kind of shocking and definitely controversial final moments. So I’m gonna say it now: spoilers for Arkham City inside.
Fez is actually two different games. Only one of them is the game you were promised. I like the other game much better.